The Long Lake Area Association (LLAA) is actively working on mitigation efforts for the invasive species Starry Stonewort. The following FAQs provide insights around these efforts, as well as other notables.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 8/30/2023
1. How, where, and when was starry stonewort confirmed on Long Lake?
On August 13, 2023, the team from Aquatic Survey Professionals (the firm hired by the Long Lake Area Association (LLAA) to conduct the aquatic vegetation survey) detected AIS Starry Stonewort in about a 5 foot diameter bright green patch underwater at a depth of about 10 feet near the south end of the lake. You will find a more detailed recap of events on our website.
2. What are the potential lake impacts of this invasive species?
Starry Stonewort (SSW) is a fast growing, easily spread macro-algae which if left unmitigated can form dense mats which can interfere with recreational usage of the lake and compete with native plants.
3. What is the Long Lake Area Association (Hubbard County, MN) doing to mitigate the impact of this species?
The MN DNR advised mitigation via chemical (Copper Sulfate and Endothall) treatments and hand pulling beginning as soon as it can be arranged. The Association secured a permit and DNR-approved vendors. The first phase will begin in the next 10 days (weather permitting). Going forward, treatment will be needed two times per year.
Aquatic vegetation surveying and monitoring will continue in an attempt to locate any SSW as early as possible.
The Association will also continue to educate and inform others via our website, kiosk and emails.
4. Is the treatment being applied to the confirmed starry stonewort safe for people, plants, and fish?
Based on guidance from PLM Lake and Land Management Corp (the firm supplying the chemicals) and the labels for the DNR-approved products, there are no restrictions for swimming, fish consumption, irrigation of food crops, ornamentals or turf and livestock watering.
Copper Sulfate is blue and will turn the treatment area blue in color for a short amount of time. It’s very unlikely that the water would stay blue for more than 30 minutes post treatment. Treatments will start within 10 days.
5. Is the Association responsible for paying for starry stonewort detection and mitigation services?
The Lake Association and LLAA Foundation work together to protect and preserve our lake. The Foundation is the organization that is paying for the detection and mitigation. The funds come from our Annual Foundation Fundraising efforts.
6. What are the Association’s plans to detect and mitigate aquatic invasive species going forward?
Proper management of SSW will require chemical treatment and/or and pulling twice a year on any patches discovered.
Professional Aquatic Vegetation surveys will be done as needed and LLAA volunteer-led shoreline monitoring for early detection of AIS will continue.
We will continue to supplement watercraft inspection hours at the North and South accesses, as well as provide information and updates on the website, Facebook, annual meeting and kiosks at the accesses. Emails with timely information will also be sent.
7. What should lake users do to mitigate the risk of spreading SSW and other aquatic invasive species?
SSW is most likely spread when fragments or tiny bulbils have not been properly cleaned from boats and trailers and personal watercraft anchors, docks, boat lifts, or other related equipment. Please see the DNR press release for more helpful tips on reducing the risk of spreading AIS.
Free Decontamination cleaning is available nearby, call 218-616-1631 to make an appointment.
8. What should you do/not do if you see suspected starry stonewort or any other invasive species?
If you are on Long Lake take a picture and please notify our LLAA AIS Team by emailing
A team member will be in contact with you.
The LLAA AIS team will contact the Invasive Species Specialist at the MN DNR if needed.
Wild Celery is a very similar looking vegetation that is often confused for SSW. A detailed description of Wild Celery is located here to help in your proper identification.
9. Where do I learn more about starry stonewort and other aquatic invasive species?
Hubbard County COLA Identification page
DNR Invasive Aquatic ID guide
AIS indentifcation guide - free to download from MAISRC10. Who do I contact with questions/concerns?
Please email and your email will be forwarded to the proper contacts.