Saturday, December 9, 2023

LLAA Foundation sends a "thank you" to donors

picture by Sharon Natzel of perch stocking at the north access (video link below)

December is upon us and we find everyone busy with holiday celebrations and
activities. The Long Lake Area Association (Hubbard County) Foundation would
like to take this time to thank everyone for their generous donations.The
donations received help to preserve and protect Long Lake in many different

We are happy that we are able to continue and support additional watercraft
inspection hours at our public accesses for the summer of 2024. This past fall we
utilized funds for Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) mitigation efforts when Starry
Stonewort (SSW) was discovered. Abatement plans for SSW and any other AIS
that may be discovered in our lake will be an on-going project and will require a
reserve of money to allow us a swift action plan as things arise.

This year our Fisheries Committee is working with the MN DNR on supplemental
stocking of walleye on the lake. We have been approved to stock 240 lbs of
walleye fingerlings in Fall of 2024. This amount is in addition to the current DNR
stocking plan. Programs like these are also funded by donations to the LLAA
Foundation. Here is a link to the Fish Management page on our website.

In the fall the LLAA Foundation in collaboration with Hubbard Township applied
for and was awarded a grant for a CD3 unit which is in place at the south access.
Our responsibility is to cover the annual costs associated with the upkeep and
running of the unit. The Fall newsletter on our website has more information on this recent endeavor and we are excited to see its implementation next summer.

While we have reached our present fundraising goal, the new projects and
responsibilities taken on by the LLAA Foundation requires us to constantly
evaluate our financial needs. Making a donation to the Foundation at any time
during the year is very much appreciated!  Here’s how:

Sunday, November 19, 2023

Family Gathering for the Holiday?


Long Lake History: We need your input!
With another summer spent at the lake, comes new memories and stories to share.  Have you checked out our history tab on the website?  It features memories spanning many years shared by Association members. Early this past summer a team revised the Long Lake History section of our website:  ( It is now organized by decades to make it easier to find a story. 

Help Us Share Lake Memories
Please take some time to read these memories. Then, take the next step to document some of your memories and share them with me to post on the website. Our team can help you with editing, etc.

We're also looking for Memories/Photos of Family Properties Celebrating 100 Years


The west side of Long Lake started to be developed as a summer recreation area in the late 1920s. This means we have many lots owned by families that are celebrating 100 years on Long Lake! The Local newspaper is publishing some of these stories, but they are not shareable on our website. If you are a hundred year family cabin, please share your family's memories with us directly.

We’re also Looking for Memories and Photos from 1970 to the Current Year such as:

  • Water sports: What was your ski boat like? How did you learn to ski?
  • Fishing stories can include hooking everything from stumps to really big fish. What type of boat did you use for fishing?
  • Campfire stories, or songs

Take time to listen to the family stories this holiday season. Write the stories down and send your memories to

Saturday, November 11, 2023

MN Dept of Transportation (MnDOT) Highway 87

 Hubbard Project Update by Sharon Natzel

As many of you know, work on Highway 87 – Hubbard will occur in 2024 and 2025.

Hopefully, you were able to attend the MN Department of Transportation (MnDOT) Open House on Wednesday, 10/4/2023 at the Hubbard Community Center. We will provide updates as more information becomes available.

Sign up for MnDOT email updates on the project:

Here are some basic project highlights:
2024 Construction: Reconstruct Hubbard to Third Crow Wing

  • Includes reconstructing Highway 87 and widening its shoulders

2025 Construction: Hwy 71 to Hubbard

  • Urban reconstruct in Hubbard
  •  Rural reconstruct, shoulder widening
  • Culvert replacement at Long Lake (Plans also call for replacing the DNR-owned inlet control structure tied to MnDOT-owned culvert.)

2025 Construction: Third Crow Wing Lake to Hwy 64 

  • Resurface 
  • Culvert replacements 

The LLAA 2023 Spring Newsletter contained an article on page 9 about the project and the drilling unit that was placed near the dam to investigate the soils deep below the road so that the box culvert replacement can be engineered correctly. The MnDOT Central Office Geo Tech crew took soil samples for analysis. All newsletters are available online on our website: 

The LLAA E-Blast on 9/23/2023 listed these FAQs which have been answered during  the 10/4/2023 MnDOT Open House: 

Question 1: Will the 2025 replacement of what we think of as the "dam," which is the MnDOT-owned culvert along with the DNR-owned Inlet Control Structure at the south end of Long Lake, affect the lake water level during the project and after its completion?

Answer 1: The MN DNR has not permitted a change in the water level except to allow for the normal one-foot-level bounce reflected in measurements since the 1990’s. The short-term design includes a bypass pipe rated for a 10-year rain event. Of course, a 100-year rain event would make the water rise.

Watch for more details in the LLAA Spring 2024 Newsletter, including the use of a steel sheet pile cofferdam to create a work area while the lake continues flowing into the stream during construction.

Question 2: What is the MN DNR's involvement in the MnDOT 2025 project? What are the likely impacts, if any, on fish, loons and recreation?

Answer 2: The DNR and the MnDOT teams have met three times to discuss dam safety, water permits, and more. With the water level remaining the same as usual,there will be little to no effect on fish or nesting loons. The south public water access will remain open via Beachview Road. To protect fish spawning between April and July, the work on the dam will begin July 1, 2025 and be completed in 3-1/2 to 4 months.

The new box culvert will be the same height and width as the current 8' x 6' box culvert and will be placed to the east of the existing culvert, This aligns it even better with the stream and helps prevent bank erosion. The new culvert will be lengthened to meet current clear zone standards and eliminate the guard rail. The dam will be cast-in-place concrete. The tree cutting required there will occur between November 1st and March 30th.

Question 3: How will the public access the businesses in Hubbard, the church, the playground, the Township monthly meetings, etc.? The project will require detours.

Answer 3: Detours will be a way of life that summer.

Watch for future articles on this project in the LLAA Newsletters.

Monday, November 6, 2023

Two More Brief Loon Narratives

 From Margaret and Fred Rickers

Margaret and Fred Rickers live on Long Lake and had visiting family staying at Timberlane Resort. “Our 25-year-old grandson was outside when he noticed a loon on the shore and took a video of it. It seemed wounded and unable to fly. We contacted the Northwoods Wildlife Rescue at 

to help in the loon rescue with the Wildlife Recovery team available in the Park Rapids area. By the time they arrived, however, a wave had washed up and the loon could swim away. Disappointment! 

Video: Kenneth Sorenson 

“The following week a couple staying at Timberlane Resort saw a wounded loon on shore. They knew the beak was very dangerous and so they wrapped it in a towel and held the head to keep it from harming them. The woman held the loon and comforted it while the man removed a lure from its wing. They placed the loon on an oar and put it back in the water. A hopefully happy ending for the loon and those of us that love them.”

Sunday, October 22, 2023

Lonesome little loon likes a lift from Charlie Garr

public use photo from

Our family has had property on the south end of Long Lake, “in the stumps”, since 1969, and this area has always been used in the spring by nesting loons. As the growth of shoreline cattails gradually increased over the years, basically preventing access to the shoreline, the loons have become more and more inclined to use artificial nesting platforms (ANP) in this area. The ANP currently in use at this site was originally built for an eagle scout project by neighbor Joe Quehl. This ANP has been maintained, upgraded and deployed for 10 years. It has produced loon chicks in all 10 years.

Because I take care of this ANP, am a loon counter on Long Lake and often observe loon behavior on the lake – I have had many up close and personal experiences with loons.

This year a chick hatched on Wednesday June 21st. I had been giving the ANP space (wish everyone else would too), so I did not know if there was one egg or two. I observed the chick and mother loon throughout the day and at 10PM when I could last see, the chick was swimming around the ANP, not yet strong enough to walk up the ramp to the nest. The mom was back sitting on the nest and the dad had not been seen all day. We have had two chicks before, but they had always hatched on the same day, so this going back to the nest for another night was a first. I thought to myself – wow this chick is really vulnerable spending the night on the water without a parent looking after it.

Scheduled at 7AM Thursday was the June monthly loon count. Newly hatched chicks are very hard to see and include in the counts, so we rely on those close to the nest sites to tip us off that there are chicks to look out for. In this case that person was me, so I was out with the binoculars at 6AM hoping to see all the chicks and parents using this ANP. I saw nothing. No sign of life on the ANP, no adults in view. Finally, at about 6:30 two adult loons appeared near the nest and started making a mournful racket. I thought to myself – did you guys drop the ball and come up with nothing, losing the chick overnight and the second egg turning out to not be viable? Then after about 10 more minutes of urgent loon calling, I noticed two little specks on the ANP. There were two chicks, success! The parents continued to call energetically and talked one of the chicks into jumping off, but they could not persuade the other to come with. I had to start the boat and go meet up with others to take the loon count, but I was able to say we had confirmed two chicks and two adults by our ANP.

After I got back from the loon count, I could see two adults and one chick out in the stumps. I couldn’t see the other chick but figured it must be out there and they will eventually come back and pick it up. About mid-morning I still had not seen the second chick, so curiosity got the best of me and I took a canoe out and saw that the second chick was tucked up against the grass sleeping on the far side of the ANP. I had lunch on our back deck which has a view of the ANP. By that time chick #2 had gotten stronger and was off the ANP swimming around and could even struggle his way back up the ramp. The parents and chick #1 had left the stumps and moved to the west shore. I thought they would come back for chick #2, wouldn’t they?

Later that afternoon the wind started picking up quite a bit from the south, so I thought I better check up on chick #2 again. I could faintly hear him peeping and he was actively looking for the parents and ranging further from the ANP. He was getting blown up against the cattails but was working his way to the main lake. I thought he’s ready now and he’s making his move but, if he gets around the corner, the strong wind and waves will push him straight north down the lake further from his parents, who were still on the west shore ignoring him. I made a quick decision to go out and observe him from closer range, so I grabbed a life jacket and a landing net and got in a kayak that was on our shore.

I saw where he was and looped around him and eased up to within about 20 feet of him and sat there as the strong south wind pushed us both up against the cattails. He continued to peep the whole time and seemed to be tiring from fighting the wind and weeds on the cattail edge. I thought to myself – I’m going to let him decide how this all plays out, and if he makes it to the main lake, I’ll track him. For about ten minutes we sat there looking at each other, him peeping the whole time. Then, to my surprise, he swam straight towards the kayak. I put the landing net in the water and he swam right into it! I lifted him and the net up, set them on the bow of the kayak and headed through the stumps and across the lake towards the parents.

As I approached the west shore the parents and chick #1 started backing away from me, the intruder, so I cut south of them a bit to where I thought that chick #2 would drift into the parents as I dumped him out of the net into the lake. Mission accomplished, right?

Except, as I backed away, the chick was imprinting on the kayak and was trying to follow me instead of going to his parents. Time for another on-the-fly adjustment, I tacked towards the north trying to J-hook around his parents, who were still trying to evade me, hoping this angle and the wind would put chick #2 and the parents on a collision course. It did! Once they saw each other the parents became very vocal and went over to the chick and seemed to check him out to see if he was really theirs. Once they were convinced of that the reunion celebration became even more spectacular with the mom even flapping her wings and dancing on the water. I quickly got out of the way and headed back to the east shore.

I am writing this on August 14 and the two chicks and parents are still together on the south end of the lake.

Disclaimer: the DNR’s advice for lost or thought to be abandoned wildlife young is to leave them alone and let nature take its course; most of the time it is best not to intervene.

Another of the articles from the Long Lake Association's Autumn 2023 Newsletter

Friday, October 13, 2023

President’s Greeting from Jaimie Beretta

This post is the start of a series of articles from our Autumn Newsletter. We will post once a week. If you want to read the entire newsletter, see the newsletter tab above this post. (it is in the 3rd row, left side) 

As summer draws to an end and we find ourselves getting ready for the winter season, it’s always nice to look back on the past summer and take stock on how things are going on Long Lake.

In June the Long Lake Area Association Annual meeting was held at the Hubbard Community Center. Our speaker was Wade Massure who is the MN DNR Park Rapids Area Fisheries Supervisor. His speech on the Long Lake fish surveys and stocking program was interesting and informative. You can watch his talk via this link:

In August our planned professional Aquatic Vegetation Survey was conducted. It was during this survey that Starry Stonewort was discovered. Starry Stonewort is an Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) that grows quickly, spreads easily and, if left unaddressed, often forms dense mats which can crowd out native water plants and interfere with recreational usage of the lake. We are fortunate that this patch of SSW was found during the survey, and we were able to act quickly to chemically treat and hand pull the area this fall. We will need to mitigate its spread and to monitor the lake carefully with more surveys done by both professionals and our volunteers. We also would like to encourage anyone who uses the lake to be on the lookout for any AIS and to work to prevent the spread of AIS to and from our lake. Thankfully the LLAA Foundation has funding available from your donations that allows us to act quickly in cases like this. In addition, we will also continue to supplement watercraft inspection hours at both the north and south accesses.

The Association continues to reach out to our members and keep them up to date with lake happenings. Be sure to check out on this website or on Facebook. We also send out monthly “e-Blasts” covering timely subjects. Members are encouraged to share our emails with family members. If you are a member not receiving the e-blasts, contact us with your email address so we can add you to the list. We value your feedback and if you have any suggestions for topics or want to know more about a lake related subject, let us know and we will try to add them to our list of topics.

Contingent on DNR permits, the LLAA Fisheries committee will be stocking perch and walleye this fall and/or next spring. We also have shoreline advisors who are available to meet and answer any questions you may have regarding shoreline gardening. As you can see, there are many resources available to everyone on the lake, and I would like to encourage people to become even more informed stewards of our beautiful Long Lake.

Have a wonderful winter and we hope to see you on the lake soon!

Sunday, September 24, 2023

Learn at the 10/4/23 MnDOT Open House how the "dam" on Long Lake is planned be replaced in 2025 as part of the Highway 87 - Hubbard projects


Below is information regarding an upcoming Open House to learn more and get questions answered on the Highway 87 - Hubbard projects.  We will also provide updates as more information becomes available.



You are invited to visit and learn about three future MN Dept of Transportation (MnDOT) Highway 87 - Hubbard projects on Wed. 10/4/2023, 5 to 7 PM!


Why is it important for Long Lake property owners to come to the Hubbard Community Center Open House?   You may ask the questions you have been wondering about!

1.      Will the replacement of what we think of as the "dam", which is the MnDOT-owned culvert along with the DNR-owned Inlet Control Structure replacement at the south end of Long Lake in 2025, affect the Long Lake water level during the project and after the project completion?  

2.      What is the MN DNR's involvement in the MnDOT 2025 project?  What are the likely impacts, if any, to fish, loons and recreation during 2025?

3.      How will the public access the businesses in Hubbard, the church, the playground, the Township monthly meetings, etc?   These three Highway 87 – Hubbard projects will require detours.


Open House: Wed 10/4/23, 5 to 7 PM, 

Hubbard Community Center

12141 County 6, Park Rapids, MN.

MnDOT Hwy 87 Project Staff Available to Answer Questions on the future 2024 and 2025 projects. Arrive anytime.  

2025 Construction on Hwy 87:  

Hwy 71 to Hubbard

·         Urban reconstruct in Hubbard

·         Rural reconstruct, shoulder widening

·         Culvert replacement at Long Lake

    Third Crow Wing Lake to Hwy 64

·         Resurface

·         Culvert replacements


2024 Construction on Hwy 87:  

          Reconstruct Hubbard to Third Crow Wing

·         Includes reconstructing Highway 87 and widening the shoulders


VIP - Be sure to Sign Up for the project email updates on the MnDOT Highway 87 - Hubbard project:


Watch too for future articles on the Hwy 87 - Hubbard Projects in the Long Lake Area Association (Hubbard County) Inc Newsletters:

The LLAA 2023 Spring Newsletter contained an article on page 9 about the project and the drilling unit that was placed near the dam.  The unit was investigating the soils deep below the road so that the box culvert replacement can be engineered correctly.  The MnDOT Central Office Geo Tech crew took soil samples and had them analyzed.  The newsletters are online:

Monday, September 11, 2023

Long Lake End of Summer Update

Long Lake Area Association (LLAA) Members

It’s hard to believe that fall is just around the corner. We hope that you had a great time on the lake with your family and friends!

I’d like update you on several items, including:

  • Fall roadside clean up on September 16
  • Starry stonewort mitigation / Foundation funding for treatments
  • AIS assessment / AIS Prevention Coordinator contact info

Fall Roadside Clean Up

Join us for our County 20 roadside clean up on Saturday, September 16, at 2:00 p.m. This is where the Long Lake Area Association (LLAA) members and their friends and family come together to clean a seven mile stretch along County 20.  

This cleanup comes at an important time of the year. It allows us to clean the roadside before the fall winds have a chance to blow debris and trash into the lake and before winter sets in. We will gather on the sand road where Hwy. 87 and Cty. 20 meet and receive supplies and instructions. We hope to see you!

If you would like to help but can’t make it that day, email Jaimie Beretta at in advance and she can assign a section for you to clean on your own.

Starry Stonewort Mitigation / Foundation Funding for Treatments

As most of you are already aware, the aquatic invasive species (AIS) Starry Stonewort was discovered in our lake during a regularly scheduled aquatic vegetation survey. This survey is done by professionals every five years.  

The Association board and the Foundation board were able to act swiftly to allocate funding for treatments to help mitigate the AIS. Treatments have already started.  

This is an excellent example of how your donations to the Foundation are used for Long Lake preservation efforts. It is very important that donations be made to our Foundation so that we can continue to keep our lake healthy. Please consider making a donation! For PayPal click here:
or send a check to LLAA Foundation, PO Box 808, Park Rapids MN 56470

AIS assessment / AIS Coordinator contact info
Wondering if you have starry stonewort? Be sure to look at our web page for pictures and info to help you in identifying starry stonewort vs. wild celery. (
Wild celery is a very similar looking plant that is native and enjoyed by waterfowl. It helps bind phosphorus for a healthy lake.  

Another helpful identification tip is the star shaped bulbils are in the sediment on the bottom of the starry stonewort on rhizomes that look like fish-line. Wild celery (native aquatic vegetation) produces a tiny whitish flower on a long thin stem with no leaves at this time in the year.

NOTE:  As fall arrives, remember to check your docks and lifts for zebra mussels after removal from the lake.

If you have questions, please email or call Sharon Natzel, our LLAA AIS Prevention Coordinator at

The LLAA board continues to monitor the situation and will update as new information becomes available.  Be sure to check this website and our Facebook page often for new updates.  


Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for Starry Stonewort


The Long Lake Area Association (LLAA) is actively working on mitigation efforts for the invasive species Starry Stonewort. The following FAQs provide insights around these efforts, as well as other notables. 



 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 8/30/2023

1. How, where, and when was starry stonewort confirmed on Long Lake? 

On August 13, 2023, the team from Aquatic Survey Professionals (the firm hired by the Long Lake Area Association (LLAA) to conduct the aquatic vegetation survey) detected AIS Starry Stonewort in about a 5 foot diameter bright green patch underwater at a depth of about 10 feet near the south end of the lake. You will find a more detailed recap of events on our website. 

 2. What are the potential lake impacts of this invasive species?

Starry Stonewort (SSW) is a fast growing, easily spread macro-algae which if left unmitigated can form dense mats which can interfere with recreational usage of the lake and compete with native plants.

3. What is the Long Lake Area Association (Hubbard County, MN) doing to mitigate the impact of this species? 

 The MN DNR advised mitigation via chemical (Copper Sulfate and Endothall) treatments and hand pulling beginning as soon as it can be arranged. The Association secured a permit and DNR-approved vendors. The first phase will begin in the next 10 days (weather permitting). Going forward, treatment will be needed two times per year. Aquatic vegetation surveying and monitoring will continue in an attempt to locate any SSW as early as possible. The Association will also continue to educate and inform others via our website, kiosk and emails.

4. Is the treatment being applied to the confirmed starry stonewort safe for people, plants, and fish?

Based on guidance from PLM Lake and Land Management Corp (the firm supplying the chemicals) and the labels for the DNR-approved products, there are no restrictions for swimming, fish consumption, irrigation of food crops, ornamentals or turf and livestock watering. Copper Sulfate is blue and will turn the treatment area blue in color for a short amount of time. It’s very unlikely that the water would stay blue for more than 30 minutes post treatment. Treatments will start within 10 days.

5. Is the Association responsible for paying for starry stonewort detection and mitigation services?

The Lake Association and LLAA Foundation work together to protect and preserve our lake. The Foundation is the organization that is paying for the detection and mitigation. The funds come from our Annual Foundation Fundraising efforts. 

6. What are the Association’s plans to detect and mitigate aquatic invasive species going forward? 

Proper management of SSW will require chemical treatment and/or and pulling twice a year on any patches discovered. Professional Aquatic Vegetation surveys will be done as needed and LLAA volunteer-led shoreline monitoring for early detection of AIS will continue. We will continue to supplement watercraft inspection hours at the North and South accesses, as well as provide information and updates on the website, Facebook, annual meeting and kiosks at the accesses. Emails with timely information will also be sent. 

7.  What should lake users do to mitigate the risk of spreading SSW and other aquatic invasive species? 

SSW is most likely spread when fragments or tiny bulbils have not been properly cleaned from boats and trailers and personal watercraft anchors, docks, boat lifts, or other related equipment. Please see the DNR press release for more helpful tips on reducing the risk of spreading AIS.   
Free Decontamination cleaning is available nearby, call 218-616-1631 to make an appointment. 

8. What should you do/not do if you see suspected starry stonewort or any other invasive species?  

If you are on Long Lake take a picture and please notify our LLAA AIS Team by emailing A team member will be in contact with you. The LLAA AIS team will contact the Invasive Species Specialist at the MN DNR if needed. Wild Celery is a very similar looking vegetation that is often confused for SSW. A detailed description of Wild Celery is located here to help in your proper identification. 

9. Where do I learn more about starry stonewort and other aquatic invasive species? 

Hubbard County COLA Identification page
DNR Invasive Aquatic ID guide
AIS indentifcation guide - free to download from MAISRC

10. Who do I contact with questions/concerns? 

Please email and your email will be forwarded to the proper contacts. 

Thursday, August 24, 2023

AIS Alert: Starry Stonewort Found in Long Lake (Hubbard County)














Just one month ago, the Long Lake Area Association (Hubbard County) Inc provided all Long Lake shoreland property owners a letter highlighting LLAA’s mission which includes education and communication. We also explained in that letter and at the LLAA annual meeting that a professional aquatic vegetation survey is planned for the entire lake every 5 years with 2023 being our next planned survey year.  

On Sunday morning, 8/13/23, during the aquatic vegetation survey, the team from vendor Aquatic Survey Professionals detected an Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) called Starry Stonewort (SSW) in about a 5 foot diameter bright green patch underwater at a depth of about 10 feet. The SSW was confirmed by a DNR Invasive Species Specialist on 8/14/23.

Actions Underway:

  • The LLAA Ready Response to AIS team is currently working with the DNR Invasive Species Specialist and potential AIS management vendors for treatment and control to prevent further spread.
  • We will also reach out to the UMN Aquatic Invasive Species Research Center (MAISRC) to determine if current and past projects information or a pilot could be helpful.  

Check often for updates on this website ( and the Long Lake Living Facebook page.  

To learn more about Starry Stonewort, visit
If you have questions, please email Sharon Natzel, our LLAA AIS Prevention Coordinator at  

Learn More Here: 

5 Things You Can Do: 

  1. Donate what you can to the LLAA Foundation. 
  2. Decontaminate your watercraft and other aquatic equipment every time you move to another lake. (call 218 616 1631 to make your free appointment)
  3. Educate yourself on how to identify aquatic plants and animals. (see AIS Identification tab above this post:
  4. Volunteer for the shoreline monitoring teams watching for AIS.
  5. Be alert and contact if you suspect an AIS.

Sunday, August 6, 2023

Linda Lee Kooyer Johnson, 73, of Park Rapids, MN passed away on Wednesday, August 2, 2023.

Linda was asked by John McKinney about 15 years ago to set up a website for the Long Lake Area Association.  She recruited her friend CC White to help with the project.  Linda continued to be the main proof reader, technical expert and design expert behind this website.  Her complete obituary is below. We will miss her expertise and pictures on this site.

🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲🌲 🌲

Linda was born on September 6, 1949, in Austin, MN to Wilbur and Blanche (Tolstead) Thompson. She grew up in Austin, MN and graduated from Austin High School in 1967. She was  a proud graduate of Bemidji State. On October 2, 1971, she married Glenn Kooyer in San Antonio, TX. They raised their sons Adam and Brian in Lakeville, MN. In 2001 they moved to Duluth. Glenn passed away in 2005. After Glenn’s passing, Linda moved to the home on Long Lake in Park Rapids she and Glenn had built for their retirement. Linda spent her teenage summers on Long Lake with her longtime friend Carolynne White.

Linda married Harlan Johnson on February 26, 2015. They have spent their summers together on Long Lake in Park Rapids and winters in Apache Junction, AZ.

Linda was a homemaker and also shared responsibilities for Glenn’s businesses in Lakeville and Duluth, MN. She enjoyed recreation, especially walking and biking. She delighted in sewing and knitting. She was a Christian woman who loved her Lord and was an avid reader of her Bible.

Linda is survived by her husband Harlan Johnson; her sons: Adam Kooyer of Golden Valley, MN, and Brian (Wendy) Kooyer of Apopka, FL; her grandchildren Evan (Rachel) Kooyer of East Bethel, MN, and Maya (Bentley) Hunter of Apopka, FL; and great-grandchildren Mason and Hayden Hunter and soon to be great-granddaughter Kooyer. Harlan’s children also survive her: Sam (Leslie) Johnson and their two sons of Woodbury, MN, and Jill (Jake) Krautkremer and their two children of Scandia, MN; her cousin Ronnie (Steve) Vaith of Austin, MN, and brother-in-law, George Crockett of Shakopee, MN.

Linda was preceded in death by her first husband Glenn Kooyer, her parents Wilbur and Blanche Thompson, and her sisters Janice Crockett and Mary Ellen Thompson.

Mass of Christian Burial will be held at 1:00 PM on August 11, 2023, at St. Peter the Apostle Catholic Church in Park Rapids. Visitation will be held on August 10, 2023,  from 5:00-8:00 PM at St. Peter the Apostle Catholic Church in Park Rapids as well as for 1 hour prior to the Mass.

Arrangements are by the Cease Family Funeral Home of Park Rapids.


Monday, July 10, 2023

2023 July 4th Flotilla was a Success

The decorated boats, pontoons, and jet skis gathered at Frontier Resort.  One group headed north and the other headed south.   The docks and shoreline were lined with enthusiastic spectators while even the weather cooperated with clearing skies and only light winds.

Thank you to the volunteer leaders of each group of boats.

Thank you to all the creative families who decorated their boats to participate.

Follow this link to a YouTube video of the pictures sent to us celebrating the day:

Long Lake Area Association 2023 Flotilla

PS: By searching other posts on this website, you can view other videos and pictures from past flotillas.  Also by clicking on the History tab above you can browse various family memories of their times at Long Lake.  The articles cover from the 1920s through 1970s.  Does your family have a story to share?

Monday, July 3, 2023

6/24/2023 Annual Meeting Recap

Long Lake Area Association held its 2023 Annual Meeting on June 24th at the Hubbard Township Community Center.  The meeting started by hearing from Wade Massure, MN DNR,  Park Rapids Area Fisheries Supervisor. He spoke for about 30 minutes telling us recent survey results and details about the stocking programs for Long Lake.  

Video of Wade Massure's Presentation

Power point slides used in Wade's Presentation

After Wade's speech, the business meeting was held.  The full minutes of that meeting will be posted after they are approved by the LLAA Board at the August meeting.  All minutes are posted on Board Communications tab above this post. 

Next the "At Large" and elections for Neighborhoods 2, 4, and 6 were held. To see the new board please look at the Board Members' Tab above or follow this link.

The last thing item on the agenda was to draw for the  Door Prizes.  

And the winner's are: 

  • Gift certificate to Hilltop, $40 - Chuck Folkestad
  • Gift certificate to Hafners, $35   - Pat Remias
  • $25 to Silver Star Saloon & Eatery - John Hansell
  • Long Lake Ladies Lunch Group Basket - Anne Jordahl

In a random drawing from the 56 participants of the ICE OUT guessing contest,  Ben Cachiaras, LLAA neighborhood 5 was the winner of a Canvas of Long Lake Contributed by Vern Whitten Photography at and framed by Cattail Creek Framing now located at 601 1st Street East, Park Rapids.

 We also collected old fishing line and lead sinkers at the meeting. Thanks to everyone who participated.


Thursday, June 29, 2023

4th of July Flotilla Details

Our Annual 4th of July Flotilla is coming right up and we are looking for volunteers to lead the North and South groups!
If you would be willing to lead either the North or South group, please send an email to:

This year’s flotilla will be held on Tuesday, July 4th, at 4:00 pm and is a very popular 4th of July event for many of our boaters and spectators on Long Lake! Participants will gather at the New Frontier Resort on the West side of the lake at 3:50pm, then follow the North or South Leaders as they lead off at 4:00 pm.

If there is inclement weather (high winds, rain, thunderstorms) at 3:00pm on that day, the Flotilla will be cancelled.

Participants agree to allow boats to be photographed and published on the website and Long Lake Living's Facebook pages. We would be happy to have you share your photos also. Just send them to   


PS:  Please take time  to fill out this survey about the Crow Wing Watershed. The Last day to participate is June 30th.  Long Lake is part of this watershed. 

Crow Wing Watershed Public Survey:
We are beginning a planning process for the Crow Wing River Watershed (see map below). This planning process is used to determine the best focus for our local time and funding to manage our natural resources including lakes, streams, wetlands, forests, and soil health.  We want to hear from you about what you care about in the region.  What important issues need attention now and in the future to continue the progress we’ve made in the area?  This survey is anonymous. If you would like to be on an email list to receive updates about this project, please email Jake Shaughnessy at Hubbard SWCD:

If the QR code does not work for you, use this link:

Monday, June 5, 2023

Summer Announcements (Including Annual Meeting Details)

Now that summer is underway, listed here are a few important things taking place on the lake. We hope that you and your families are able to take part in some of these activities and enjoy the summer on the water.

The Annual Meeting of the Long Lake Area Association (Hubbard County), Inc., will be on Saturday June 24 at the Hubbard Community Center (12141 County 6). Come visit with our guest speaker and your neighbors at 9:30 am for refreshments, conversation, and registration.

At 10:00 am, the business meeting will begin with a presentation by Wade Massure, the Park Rapids Area Fisheries Supervisor. He’s been with the Park Rapids Fisheries since February, 2022 and was previously the Statewide Stream Fisheries Biologist for the state of Kentucky. His interest in travel and working with different fish species across the US led him to work in Iowa, Utah, Colorado, Washington and Arizona. Check out the new LLAA “Fisheries Management Information” page on our website: to learn more about DNR fish management plans for Long Lake.

After Wade’s presentation, we will hold the election for neighborhood representatives of the Board of Directors as well as alternates and one at large representative. This year’s neighborhoods are 2, 4 and 6. If you or someone you know is interested in serving on the board, please send us an email at If you're not sure what the neighborhood boundaries are or are not sure which neighborhood you live in, click on the Neighborhoods tab in the page tabs above to see a map. The Long Lake Association Board meets on Zoom 4 times a year and in-person at the annual meeting. This position typically requires a time commitment of 10 to 12 hours a year.  

The LLAA annual meeting is open to the public. You do not need to be a member to attend. Bring your friends and learn more about Long Lake.

4th of July Flotilla
Start making plans to decorate your boat or pontoon for our Annual 4th of July Flotilla! This year’s flotilla will be held on Tuesday, July 4th, at 4:00 pm, and is a very popular 4th of July event for many of our boaters and spectators on Long Lake!

We will gather at the New Frontier Resort on the West side of the lake at 3:50 pm. Follow the North or South Leaders as they lead off at 4:00 pm. If there is inclement weather (high winds, rain, thunderstorms) at 3:00 pm on that day, the Flotilla will be cancelled. Participants agree to allow boats to be photographed and published on the website. Provide your photos to

LLAA Foundation Fundraising Progress
Our 2022-2023 LLAA Foundation Fundraiser is coming to an end and we are very close to reaching our goal of $25,000. As of May 19 the total raised is $23,483. We are just $1,515 short of our goal! The Foundation fundraiser runs the fiscal year from July 1, 2022 -June 30, 2023.

This year the LLAA Foundation has contributed $25,000 to the 2023 Hubbard County AIS Program. This supplemental funding provides 1,000 additional hours of public access watercraft inspection/education activities at our south and north public accesses.

The Long Lake community has been so generous in helping to support the Foundation and their fundraising goals in the past, please consider making a donation to help us reach our goal before June 30, 2023.

Thursday, April 6, 2023

Tips for Preventing Beaver Damage

Our neighborhood beavers can be entertaining, however, they can also cause notable damage to trees, shrubs, and shorelines. Multiple properties on the south end of the lake show signs of beaver damage from the 2022 fall season. The north end has also had beaver damage from time to time over the years.

Beaver damage includes:

  • Limited and aggressive bark chewing on tree trunks
  • Toppling of small and mid-size trees.
  • Removal of shrub branches (e.g. red and yellow dogwoods)
  • Burrowing on shorelines

What can you do to prevent beaver damage?

  • Step One: Check out the MN DNR’s tips for beaver damage prevention:
  • Step Two: Explore your shoreline and look for damage on trees and shrubs. Also, look for burrowing on the shoreline.
  • Step Three: Determine whether you will take a proactive or a “wait and see” approach to beaver damage prevention.

Beavers are relentless in their pursuit of food and building materials for their lodges making it difficult to predict which properties will be impacted by beavers. There are at least three beaver lodges on the lake, so it pays to explore your shoreline from time to time and make use of the MN DNR’s tips as needed.

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Join the Fun! When will the Ice go Out on Long Lake this Year?

February proved to be a fickle month this year. Temperatures were jumping all over the place with readings from the negative range clear up to 48 degrees.  Right now we need to think positively about Spring.  So what date do you think the ice will be off the lake?  For those of you who are into research, check out our ICE DATA tab on the longlakeliving website.  It might help with your decision.  If Ice Out is later than May 22 or earlier than March 19, that may mean we are seeing some climate change effects.  Is this year more like 2012 or 1996? 

To participate in the fun please send your guess to  The deadline for your submission is March 15.  Those who select the winning date will be recognized on the website and at the Annual Meeting (Saturday, June 24, 2023).  All participants in the contest will be placed in a drawing and one person will be chosen to receive a prize which will be awarded at the LLAA Annual Meeting on Saturday morning, June 24, 2023.  Good Luck to all!

Sunday, February 5, 2023

Thoughts on Your Lake Shore

Hello everyone!

It's only February, and if you are already having botanical thoughts regarding your lake shore here are three things to consider:

1) Score YOUR Shore:

The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) has a great program called “Score your Shore.”

It provides information on best practices for managing your lot and a method for scoring your property based on those practices, and suggestions on things you could do to improve water quality

2)  Say Hi to a Shoreland Advisor:

Another option would be a visit from one of the Long Lake Shoreland Advisors.  Some of your lake friendly neighbors are available to stop by your property and offer up recommendations on healthy lake practices.  Email to invite a visit with a Shoreland Advisor as part of the Hubbard County Coalition of Lake Associations complimentary program.

3)  Chat with a Master Gardener:

As a University of MN Master Gardener, I am available to opine on lots of lake related topics:  invasive species, native plants, pruning, erosion control, rain gardens, etc.  I can be reached at:

Spring will be here soon.  It's never too early to start planning improvements for your property that will benefit the lake!

LLAA Board Member from Neighbor 2

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Share Your Time & Talent in 2023!

The Long Lake Area Association (Hubbard County) Inc. is reaching out to our varied and multiple talented members in order to get more people involved in our activities. Our goals are to build our lake community through education and action.

As you review the variety of volunteer opportunities attached, please reach out if you have questions or want to help for a day or month or season by emailing  Choose to participate as a sampler and explore new dimensions and aspects related to our special Long Lake.

Volunteer opportunity descriptions

Photo by Dante Beretta