Saturday, July 13, 2024

Tips for Families with Four-Legged Friends

by Pam Petersen 

Many of us do bring our four-legged friends with us to the lake whether for the weekend, the summer or the year. Having them here should be pleasurable both for their owners and for other lake residents and guests. Sometimes, however, that’s not the case.

Although you know your dog’s personality around other people, children, or other animals, the people and animals you may encounter out walking do not know your pet. They may have had previous uncomfortable or even dangerous encounters with animals and are not reassured by your saying, ‘He’s a nice dog.’ There is also the possibility of your pet being ‘spooked’ by a vehicle, animal or even a child, a situation which can make your ‘always well behaved’ pet feel the need to defend itself or you.

And, of course, you might feel threatened by someone else’s dog. There are both legal and common- sense considerations about having a dog leashed or not, whether on its owner’s property or on the common roads. It is important, if you feel that someone is not properly controlling and restraining their dog, your first attempt at remedying the situation is to talk with the owner. A civil expression of your concerns, especially if there are specific incidents that you can relate, will help in coming to an agreement that both parties feel comfortable with. If the situation cannot be resolved in a neighborly manner, then there is a specific order of formal complaint spelled out in the Hubbard County Animal Ordinance. Click here for a link to the Hubbard County Animal Ordinance

Our pets are members of our families and our community. Let’s work together to make their presence at the lake be pleasant, safe and enjoyable for everyone!

Saturday, July 6, 2024

Thank you to all who participated in the LLAA 2024 Flotilla


The weather report was threatening all week, but on the 4th the sky seemed to clear at 3.  So the Flotilla was on!  Many families motored over to New Frontier Resort to gather for the start of the Flotilla at 4 pm.  One group went north with Jim Seifert as their leader and others followed Fritz Viner going south along the eastern shore. (We thought we would change the route so the east side got to see the flotilla first)  It was about 4:40 when the flotilla passed by my cabin on west side at Chippewa Loop. I took what pictures I could get.  Jim Seifert took pictures and Mary Johnston took pictures of her family decorating their boat. I combined these in a "movie" for all to enjoy. (Narrative by CC White)

If you have suggestions on how to improve future flotillas email us at  

See the all the pictures on YouTube

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Missed our Guest speaker at the Annual Meeting?

Did you miss our Annual meeting on Saturday?  

Catch up with this blog: 

Use the links to view the video of Nicole Kovar's talk "What's at the end of my dock?"  and the pdf of her slides. There are some great graphics to help understand how useful these "weeds'" are to our lake.The other link is to the slides used as a report to the membership.

Link to YouTube Nicole's video

View Nicole's PowerPointSlide as pdf

Review your LLAA 2024-25 Board of Directors

Other  Door Prizes Winners:

From LLAA: Gift Card to Hilltop Inn ($40): Mae Tinguely

From LLAA: Gift Card to Hafner’s Greenhouse ($30): Jack Derr

From LLAA: Gift Card to Silver Star Saloon ($30): John Hansell

From Ron Taggart: Wooden Bucket he made: Arthur Howell

LLAA is seeking volunteers to help on the various committees for the next year. Put your talents and skills to use protecting our lake:  The committee descriptions are in the slides and listed on the volunteer sheet: ( PDF of volunteer sheet.

Download the form and send it to















Monday, June 24, 2024

Message from LLAA President Jaimie Beretta


Greetings from beautiful Long Lake. I hope that everyone has the opportunity to enjoy the lake this season. I am writing to let you know about an exciting survey project that the Long Lake Area Association (LLAA) is launching.

Tomorrow you'll receive an email inviting you to complete an online survey regarding your perceptions about the quality and health of Long Lake and the ways that you enjoy Long Lake. It also includes questions about your perceptions of the Long Lake Area Association (LLAA) and the work of its leaders and committees as well as some information about what you enjoy doing at the lake and your understanding of topics like aquatic invasive species (AIS).

We ask you to complete the survey you will receive from Caren Martin, of Martin and Guerin Design Research, LLC. If you have any questions about the content of the survey, please contact Caren Martin, PhD, at Please note that you will see a University of Minnesota banner on the survey. That is because Dr. Martin conducts research through the UMN. If you have any questions about why the LLAA is conducting this survey of property owners, please reach out to me at

The information you provide will be used by the LLAA to inform its future plans to enhance and safeguard the quality and health of Long Lake. We are eager to hear from you. Thanks so much for your cooperation!


Jaimie Beretta

President, Long Lake Area Association

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Annual Meeting Details: June 29th


June is upon us and it’s time to start thinking about the Long Lake Area Association Annual meeting.  This year’s meeting will be held on Saturday June 29th at the Hubbard Community Center.


Starting at 9:30 am and running until 10:00 am we will have registration for 2024-2025 membership and refreshments.  There will also be a number of interactive stations available to visit.

  • Chat with Keith Manlove, a Lake Friendly Gardener, about Lake shore Buffers and More - Sign up for a free site visit at your lake shore with our Master Gardener team.
  • View, Touch and Hear About Long Lakes Aquatic Vegetation - Sign up for a free dock visit to learn about what is growing around your dock and lake shore.
  • Drop off a Drinking Water Sample for Nitrate Testing – Please read and complete the
    submission form instructions before you gather your water sample. The Hubbard County Soil and Water Conservation District will conduct the analysis. Results will be emailed to participants.
  • Watch the CD3 System Video – Discuss other tools available to prevent the spread of AIS.
  • Protect Loons By Dropping Off Lead Tackle and Old Fishing Line – Enter in a drawing for tungsten fishing tackle.

The Business meeting will begin at 10:00 am and concludes approximately at noon.  

Our guest speaker this year is Nicole Kovar, from the Minnesota DNR.  She will present Whats Growing at the End of My Dock?” Nicole has extensive background on how wildlife, birds, and fish benefit from aquatic vegetation and how native plants help sustain Long Lakes healthy water quality. Afterwards board reports will be presented and the Ice-off contest drawing will take place. 


Board elections will be held for the 2024-2025 At Large” and Neighborhood 1, 3, 4, 5, and 6 positions.

NOTE: If you would like to be considered as a candidate, please reach out to The time commitment would be, at a minimum, 10-12 hours a year plus additional time for involvement on one or more committees.


We will conclude our meeting with several Door prize drawings. You must be present to win!

You do not need to be a member to attend the meeting, bring your friends and neighbors to learn more about Long Lake!  



Don’t forget the July 4th Flotilla.  Get your decorating ideas and join the flotilla at 3:50 pm on the lake near New Frontier Resort. The flotilla will start at 4:00 pm. If you can’t take part in the flotilla join the fun on shore and cheer the boats as they go by.


Please note:  If there is inclement weather (high winds, rain, thunderstorms) at 3:00 pm, the Flotilla will be canceled.


Be sure to familiarize yourself with the boating rules and regulations found in the DNR 2024 Minnesota Boating Guide. Have a safe and happy July 4th!


Read the newsletter to learn more about what is happening on the lake.  You will find the links for the drinking water testing submission form and the CD3 video in the newsletter. 







Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Announcing the Spring 2024 Newsletter!

Hot off the press you will find the Long Lake Area Association Spring 2024 Newsletter.  It has tons of information on what is happening on Long Lake.  If you have any future topic ideas for our newsletter please let us know, we are always looking for timely and relevant ideas.

Below you will also find the “Be Bear Wise” checklist prepared by the Minnesota DNR.  There have been a number of bear sightings in our area and this checklist can be helpful in avoiding any unwanted bear visitors this summer.

Have a great summer and see you on the lake!

Jaimie Beretta
President, Long Lake Area Association

If you didn't receive your email with the newsletter attached you can read it by clicking this link.

Friday, April 26, 2024

Official Ice Out Date with statistic analysis

Spotters reported that all of the sheets of ice were gone from the lake on April 8th. That date was our date of ice out on Long Lake and reported to the DNR. 

Ben Cachiaras guessed the exact date this year. At the Annual Meeting (June 29th), we will draw from the 44 entries for the grand prize.  Last year ice out was May 3rd. In 2000, 2016 and 2017 ice out was around this date.

The following are the charts for Long Lake Ice Out as calculated by Vern Campbell.  The average date is April 20, so 2024 was about 12 days earlier than the average.  The charts indicate that although the Ice Out this year was slightly earlier than average, it is still within the bounds of normal random variation.  Just as a reminder, the UCL = May 22 and the LCL = March 19 are calculated values and are +/- 3 standard deviations from the mean date of April 20.  Therefore, basically if dates are normally distributed and fall between May 22 and March 19, then we can basically conclude that any deviation we see from the average is simply normal random variation.  Thus far, the Ice Out dates indicate random variation about the average ice Out date of April 20. 

(On the graph below, UCL = Upper Control Limit: LCL=Lower Control Limit) 


Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Ice Out on Long Lake?? Take a chance: Make a guess:

Welcome to the year of strange weather on Long Lake.  It is our tradition to have an Ice Out contest each year.  This year the deadline for submitting your guesses is March 1st.  Please pick your date and email it to (please note that is not the same address as this email)  

Help in making your decision: 

  • Look at the historical data posted on our Ice Data tab
  • Look at long range weather forecasts
  • FYI: Punxsutawney Phil: (the ground hog) predicted an early spring according to the newspapers. 
  • Paul Douglas (weather guy ) in the Tribune wrote this on Thursday: "Average February snowfall at MSP is 9.5 inches.  Odds favor more (slushy) snow from mid-February into early April.  Don't take out the driveway stakes anytime soon.  An early spring is not preordained."
Take a chance.  Make a guess!  Those who select the winning date will be recognized on the website and at the Annual Meeting (Saturday June 29, 2024).  All participants in the contest will be placed in a drawing and one person will be chosen to receive a prize which will be awarded at the LLAA Annual Meeting Saturday morning, June 29, 2024.   Good Luck to all!

Reminders: (LLAA events are on our website calendar too) 

Sat, May 4, 2024 at 2 PM is Roadside Cleanup on County 20 and cleaning of the Public Accesses 

Sat, June 29, 2024 LLAA Annual Meeting at the Hubbard Community Center, Refreshments / Registration / Visiting at 9:30 AM with Business Meeting / Presenter at 10 AM. 

The July 4,2024 Flotilla

LLAA’s Annual 4th of July Flotilla will start at 4:00 pm on Thursday, July 4. We will gather at New Frontier Resort on the West side of the lake, starting at 3:50 pm. Follow the North or South Leaders as they lead off at 4:00 pm. If there is inclement weather (high winds, rain, thunderstorms) at 3:00 pm on that day, the Flotilla will be cancelled.

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

El Nino Weather patterns makes it harder to determine Ice-In date












Those of us who winter on Long Lake spent December and the first part of January wondering if the ice would ever form. There were days when we saw white caps on the water..not ice.  At the same time, we were getting questions from our "snow bird" friends, "Has the lake frozen over yet?"  

Many points on the lake seemed to be frozen and then thaw again. On Jan 9th many people thought the lake had frozen over. But as you can see from the graphic above, the temperatures varied during that week.

Sharon Natzel's description of conditions during the week of January 8th: 

This year's ice-in spotters had to work very hard.  The weather just was not consistent. Our ice spotter that is positioned on the very steep west bank looking directly east across the lake, using binoculars, noticed a long narrow strip of water, running north to south, that opened up in the ice Tuesday 1/9/24 in the late afternoon.  The temperatures started dropping Thursday afternoon and by Friday, January 12, 2024, the lake finally froze over. Thank you to all the ice spotters around the lake.  It takes teamwork!  

 If you want more details of how Ice-In is determined and statistics, take a look at the Ice Data page