The MN Dept of Commerce announces: "Oil market analysis indicates that Enbridge has not established a need for the proposed project; the pipeline would primarily benefit areas outside Minnesota; and serious environmental and socioeconomic risks and effects outweigh limited benefit."
Read the full statement, submitted to the hearings on Sept 11th 2017:
The Final Environmental Impact Survey has now been released, see:
Comments on specific topics are solicited, and must be received by Oct 2nd:,%208.23.17.pdf
The Public Utilities Commission will hold 10 public hearings in cities
along the proposed route. The closest meeting to us will be in Bemidji on
Tuesday, Oct 17th, at 1- 4pm and 6 - 9 pm:,%209.8.17.pdf
General background regarding the proposed pipeline is at:
During the first quarter of 2015, 82 Long Lake families contributed approximately $14,400 for Friends of the Headwaters to submit evidence requesting an alternate pipeline route (SA-04), and also to present to the appellate court, which resulted in a unanimous ruling in FOH's favor, ordering a comprehensive EIS for oil pipelines in Minnesota. The 2017 Environmental Impact Statement is the first and only EIS ever done on an oil pipeline in Minnesota. The full data prepared by FOH is given here:
The final decision by the PUC is scheduled for April 2018 and between now and then there will be the public hearings and hearings by Administrative Law Judges. Donations toward the legal costs for the FOH court appearances can be made at:
The full schedule is given below, culminating in the PUC final decision in April 2018
- October 2, 2017 Comments on EIS adequacy due. This is the deadline to provide comment on the adequacy of the EIS.
- October 11, 2017 Rebuttal Testimony due. All rebuttal Testimony shall be served and filed by this date.
- October 23, 2017 Surrebuttal Testimony due. All surrebuttal testimony shall be served and filed by this date.
- September 25, 2017 to October 26, 2017 Public Hearings
- Sept. 26, 2017: Thief River Falls 1-4 pm and 6-9 pm
- Sept. 28, 2017: St. Paul, MN 1-4 pm and 6-9 pm
- Oct. 10, 2017: Grand Rapids 1-4 pm and 6-9 pm
- Oct. 11, 2017 McGregor 1-4 pm and 6-9 pm
- Oct. 12, 2017: Hinkley 1-4 pm and 6-9 pm
- Oct. 17, 2017: Bemidji 1-4 pm and 6-9 pm
- Oct. 18, 2017: Duluth 1-4 pm and 6-9 pm
- Oct. 25, 2017: Cross Lake 1-4 pm and 6-9 pm
- Oct. 26, 2017: St. Cloud 1-4 pm and 6-9 pm
- October 27, 2017 at 1:30 p.m. at Commission Offices in St.Paul, MN. Sixth Prehearing Conference to discuss logistics of evidentiary hearings.
- November 1, 2017 ALJ Report on EIS Adequacy due. ALJ Lipman will issue his report on the adequacy of the EIS.
- November 1, 2, 3, 6, 8, and 9, 2017. If needed, the hearing will also extend to Nov. 13, 14, and 15, 2017. Evidentiary Hearing at Commission Offices in St. Paul, MN. Evidentiary hearing on the Petition for a Certificate of Need and Route Permit Application.
- November 21, 2017 Deadline to file exceptions to ALJ's EIS adequacy report. This is the deadline to file exceptions to the report filed by ALJ Lipman related to the adequacy of the EIS.
- November 22, 2017 Public Comment Period and Administrative Record Closes. Transcript of contested case hearing to be filed and made available to the public.
- November 30 - December 11, 2017 Commission meeting/decision on EIS adequacy due. The Commission will hold a public meeting and issue a decision on the adequacy of the EIS.
- December 11, 2017 Initial Briefs of Parties Due. Initial briefs shall be served and filed by this date.
- January 15, 2018 Reply Briefs of Parties. Reply briefs shall be served and filed by this date.
- February 28, 2018 (Anticipated) Administrative Law Judge's Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Recommendation to be filed. The Administrative Law Judge shall serve and file her report recommending a route on or around this date.
- April 30, 2018 (Anticipated) MPUC Decision. It is anticipated that the MPUC will issue its final decision on or around this date.