Thursday, June 30, 2011

Long Lake's Annual Flotilla

Details for Flotilla & Dock Decoration Festivities 
to be held on MondayJuly 4th:

Please have your Docks & Boats decorated from 9:30 AM until 1 PM with phone number displayed prominently for the judges.  Flotilla participants gather by 9:50 AM at Wooters Point on the East Side of the lake.  At 10 AM the Flotilla departs in 2 groups from Wooters Point and then returns on the West side of the lake across from Wooters Point where boats will disperse.

The North group leader/dock judge will lead the boats to the north end of the lake where judging will take place.  The South group leader/dock judge will lead the boats toward the south end of the lake, crossing over to the west side prior to the stumps for judging.  Display your phone number in large, BOLD print for the judges.

If there is inclement weather (high winds, rain, thunderstorms) at 9 AM, Monday, July 4th, the Flotilla & Dock Decorating Festivities will be cancelled.
If you have any questions about the festivities, where Wooters Point is on the lake or how to help with Flotilla judging for the north & south Flotilla routes, please contact Sharon Natzel at 763-355-7908.
You can review the information in the Spring Newsletter online under Board Communications.
Keep an eye open for Pirates!

Fun things to do over the 4th

The city of Park Rapids will host the 33rd Annual Park Rapids Professional Bull Ride, Friday through Sunday, July 1-3, with an all-star cast of the greatest bull riders and bucking bulls in the world! There will also be kids' sheep riding, nightly dances, freestyle cowboy poker, and a freestyle Moto X halftime show. And while in Park Rapids, enjoy 4th of July events on the 4th, including a parade, community band concert with patriotic music and marches at Red Bridge Park, and fireworks at dusk over the Fishhook River. 1-800-247-0054; link to local events

The city of Bemidji will host their 67th Annual Jaycee’s 4th of July Water Carnival on Monday, the 4th of July, along the Lake Bemidji waterfront. Featured will be midway rides and games, live music, contests, a craft fair, Kiddie and Grande parades, kids' fun run, Bald Eagle Water Ski Show, great food, and fireworks over Lake Bemidji! 1-877-250-5959;

The city of Menahga will hold their annual Midsummer Celebration, Friday through Sunday, July 8-10, with a kids' fishing derby, Little Miss Pageant, the St. Urho 5K run & walk, children's events & games, a parade, pancake breakfast, blueberry ice cream social, beer gardens, live music by numerous local acts, and more. 1-800-247-0054;

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Dock Signs


Several years ago, Lou Schultz, former Long Lake Area Association Board member, developed a plan for lake residents to obtain signage for their docks which would show their Emergency-911 number on the lake.  If you have ever tried to locate an address from the lake, you know how difficult that can be.

LLAA sponsors the dock sign program because it is a safety issue for boaters and residents on the lake, but the association does not profit from it.  Dock signs help people, especially emergency responders, find addresses on the lake.  There was an incident of someone needing help and the sheriff's boat was on the lake but couldn't identify where to go.  If someone calls for help, the water patrol has no way (without dock signs) to identify which area is needing help. 

"Next Innovations" in Walker, MN made our original signs and the Lake Association placed bulk orders when there were sufficient numbers to reach the minimum required order.  A suggestion was made that it would be helpful if the signs were slightly larger and the color more reflective.  As a result, we now have a design which measures 5.75” X 11.75”  The color scheme has remained the same, but is enhanced to make the numbers more visible. The powder coated enamel is on heavy gauge metal, slotted for screws.  Below is a sample of the new sign along with the previous design.

The new signs are available for $20.00 each.  Again, we must meet a minimum order number.  Please send your check to:  Long Lake Area Association, P.O. Box 808, Park Rapids, MN  56470.  Be sure to write “dock sign” on your check and specify the E-911 number you want on your sign and the number of signs ordering.  These signs are also good for placement on your house or other outbuildings.

If you have any questions about the signs, please call Larry Roberts at:  218-732-0118 or

Dock Signs, Old and New
Submitted by Larry Roberts

Monday, June 27, 2011

PDF of Annual Meeting Power Points

This is a link to all the notes in a Portable Document Format (PDF) so that everyone can view the information from the annual meeting.  Let your neighbors who could not be at the meeting know of this link:

Annual Meeting Notes

This is 39 pages long so it may take a while to load.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Annual Meeting

The Annual Meeting was held today.  We had a good turn out and the reports were well planned and well presented so the business meeting was completed on time as promised.  Keep watching here on Long Lake for links to the power points and other notes; they are being double checked before we post them. Also, we will revise the Board Members page as soon as we get biographical information from the new board members.   A big thank you to all this years board members for all their hard work and dedication.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Join Us at the Annual Meeting

The Long Lake Area Association's 2011 Annual meeting is tomorrow, Saturday, June 25th.

            Time:  9:30AM to Noon
            Place:  Hubbard Community Center
                        12141 County 6
                        Hubbard, MN
Meet your Long Lake neighbor's and enjoy refreshments, door prizes & fellowship combined with the business of taking care of our lake.  This is the one time each year when we all get together, so come join in.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Highway 34 Road Construction

The highway 34 project is well underway and causing delays when traveling from Park Rapids to Akeley and places between.  Here are a couple of links about the project from MN-DOT:

Hwy. 34 Project Overview
Hwy. 34 Construction Brochure with Map (PDF)

The best way to get to Dorset and Nevis from the west side of Long Lake is to take County 4 to County 18 and across.  The county asks that we avoid County 81 as it is a dirt road and cannot withstand the traffic.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Annual Meeting Just Two Weeks Away

The Long Lake Area Association (LLAA) Annual Meeting will be held Saturday, June 25th at the Hubbard Community Center.

9:30 AM registration and refreshments, website and history input Q&A.  10:00 AM meeting.
New members are welcome and encouraged to attend!

This year's agenda includes presentations on:
  • LLAA Website (
  • Lake Management Plan
  • Aquatic Vegetation Survey
  • Watercraft Inspections
  • Water Quality Report
  • LLAA Foundation
      Also:  - Elections for one "At Large" Board position along with Board representatives for Neighborhoods 2, 4, & 6 and one Alternate from Neighborhood 5. 
                - Individual Neighborhoods will meet.

Refreshments provided.  Door Prizes to be given!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Free admission to Itasca State Park on Saturday

Actually it's free Admission to all Minnesota State Parks on Saturday, June 11, 2011 in conjunction with National Get Outdoors Day.

Water Quality, Secchi Disk Readings

The latest Long Lake water quality/clarity report has been posted from samples taken in May of this year.  The link to the document can be found on the "Protect our Lake" page.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

New AIS Legislation

On our "Protect our Lake" page we have added this link:  AIS Prevention Law Effective 5/28/11

It is a summary of how the new 2011 laws related to prevention of aquatic invasive species (AIS) now apply to boaters, property owners, service providers, bait dealers and others involved with the transportation of water-related equipment.

The Minnesota DNR has posted a YouTube video on how to properly inspect your boat when moving it from one lake to another.  It explains the new law regarding bait containers and bait water, drain plug rules and decontamination procedures to kill zebra mussels and other AIS.
See it here:  How to Clean your Boat

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Loon Chicks

The two loon eggs from the nest being observed by Minnesota Bound's Loon Cam have hatched.  Be patient (and persistent) in trying to access their webcam because they are having some problems with it due to large viewership over the past 24 hours.

If you would like to learn more about loons, the Wikipedia has a well written page covering a variety of interesting information about these birds:  Loon (Wikipedia) Link