Details for Flotilla & Dock Decoration Festivities
to be held on Monday, July 4th:
Please have your Docks & Boats decorated from 9:30 AM until 1 PM with phone number displayed prominently for the judges. Flotilla participants gather by 9:50 AM at Wooters Point on the East Side of the lake. At 10 AM the Flotilla departs in 2 groups from Wooters Point and then returns on the West side of the lake across from Wooters Point where boats will disperse.
The North group leader/dock judge will lead the boats to the north end of the lake where judging will take place. The South group leader/dock judge will lead the boats toward the south end of the lake, crossing over to the west side prior to the stumps for judging. Display your phone number in large, BOLD print for the judges.
If there is inclement weather (high winds, rain, thunderstorms) at 9 AM, Monday, July 4th, the Flotilla & Dock Decorating Festivities will be cancelled.
If you have any questions about the festivities, where Wooters Point is on the lake or how to help with Flotilla judging for the north & south Flotilla routes, please contact Sharon Natzel at 763-355-7908.
You can review the information in the Spring Newsletter online under Board Communications.
Keep an eye open for Pirates!