Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Lake Shore clean up results from Saturday

These are the "unusual" items from the lake shore cleanup - home made minnow bucket, bobber, assorted cans / bottle tops / wrappers, balloon, leech/worm container, teddy bear, rope, carpet, broken step from  ladder, etc.....  
The mini Sponge Bob surfboard was adopted at 1:45 PM Sat by a boy from Hubbard for reuse.  Thanks to all who helped clean up the public accesses and the shoreline on Saturday!! 
Sharon N.   

PS:  The lunch was great too.  Thanks to all who brought dishes to share and the brats cooks.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Update from Dave Anderson on shore line project

We have the first flower from the July planting, a Ox Eye Sunflower. Several other varieties will be blooming soon. It has taken lots of attention with daily watering, but will be worth the efforts

PS:  you still have time to order trees and bushes from the Association at discount prices.  Look on the "Protect Your Shore Land" tab at the top of this blog. (under the picture of Long Lake) 
Ox Eye Sunflower planted in July

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Long Lake Neighborhood #1 Gathering

Neighborhood # 1 will get together on Saturday morning, September 10th, 10:30 – 12 noon. at the Bears Den (Timberlane Lodge).

Refreshments will be provided. 

Neighborhood 1 begins at the Public Access on the north end by Hwy 34 and goes east across the north end of Long Lake down the east side to 160th Street.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

A Reminder: Tree order

Remember to get your tree order to Dave Anderson by September 19th.   The information is posted on the "Protect Your Lake Shore" page.  Use the page tab above to find the details.

The kiosk is up!

With many thanks to Stu Hamilton and Bob Hereen, the kiosk was put in the ground this morning.  (8/17/2011)
Placing the kiosk

Located by the public access at the south end of the lake, it's impressive - big, sturdy and ready for brochures and information.

Bob and Stu deserve our thanks, particularly Bob, who invested many hours in the sign construction.  Also, a special thanks to Northland Lumber for a significant discount on the materials.  Several of Bob's neighbors helped with the installation, including the owner of the tractor used to lower it into the hole.

(Remember you can enlarge pictures by clicking on them once and then clicking again for the largest view.)

Stu Hamilton and Bob Hereen
Assembling the kiosk

Monday, August 15, 2011

Saturday, Aug. 27 - Long Lake Lakeshore Clean Up 10AM Followed by Pot Luck Picnic

10AM:  Wade, paddle or troll the shoreline and clean up any items that have blown off docks, boats, or floated in over the summer.  Include the Public Accesses in your neighborhood too.

11:30AM - 2PM:   Pot Luck Picnic to celebrate the lake shore clean up at Hubbard Community Center.

  • Awards for the most unusual items found.
  • Bratwurst, Buns, Chips, Beverages and Eating Utensils will be provided.

Pot Luck:
Last Name starts with "A - M":   please bring a dessert to serve six people.
Last Name starts with "N - Z":   please bring a salad for six.
Everyone on Long Lake is welcome to participate and attend - so please Invite your neighbors!  Members and Non-Members are welcome.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Your Lake Service Provider Needs a Permit

Part of a new Minnesota law that was signed by the governor on May 27th, 2011 makes it mandatory for LSP's (Lake Service Providers) to obtain a permit from the DNR before providing any services.  "Service Providers" are individuals or businesses hired to install or remove water-related equipment or structures (our docks, boats, and lifts) from waters of the state.

Each LSP must have the permit in possession while providing services.  To get a permit the LSP has to complete invasive species training and pass a test.  The permits are valid for 3 years.  Every LSP has to attend an AIS Seminar this year in order to receive the new certification even if they have attended one in the past.

Minnesota Waters has announced its partnership with the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) to host the new, mandatory Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) seminars for Lake Service Providers.  The seminars will be hosted at multiple locations throughout the state beginning August 15, 2011 and will provide all participants with DNR certification on best management practices to prevent the spread of AIS.

You may want to help out your LSP by checking to see if they are aware of the important seminar to be offered in Park Rapids on Monday, August 15, 2011 from 9 to 11 AM at the Northwoods Bank Conference Room.  It is the most conveniently located opportunity for a Park Rapids area LSP to acquire certification.

Free Shoreland Expo: Saturday, August 27, 2011

The Shoreland Expo is sponsored by the UMN Extension office, Cass Co. SWCD and Hubbard Co. SWCD. (Soil & Water Conservation District: http://www.hubbardswcd.org)
COLA (Hubbard County Coalition of Lake Associations) has been working with the Extension Office to provide this seminar as part of COLA’s Education Initiative.

Excellent current topics will be presented:
·         Shoreland Buffer Zone
·         Rain Gardens and Rain Barrels
·         Creating a Natural Shoreline
·         Financial Grant Opportunities

A bus tour of three Lakeshore Restoration Sites will be included.

There is no cost to attend the EXPO.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

August 23rd: Rescheduled Biology Survey Presentation

This will give us a chance to see what information could be available from a county biological survey.
Becky Marty, DNR Ecologist, has re-scheduled the "A FRESH LOOK" presentation of the Biological Survey recently completed in Becker County for Tuesday, August 23 at the MN State Community College (C101) in Detroit Lakes at 7 PMA refreshment social at the door begins at 6:30 PM.  This is the presentation that unfortunately could not occur last month because of the State shutdown.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

History page

The History Page is taking a rest during the tree sale.  But if you have pictures, stories etc.  you can use the link on the right side to go directly to the history wiki to post them.

OR  you can email ccwhite14388@gmail.com with those pictures and stories.  

We need our members help to write up our memories before they are lost.  

New Page: Protect Your Lake Shore

From now until the end of September, there is a new page on Long Lake Living.  It is called "Protect Your Lake Shore."  Dave Anderson provided us with the information and is coordinating efforts to buy trees/shrubs to keep our shoreline.  Click on the page tab above.

Mark September 19th on your calendar; the date that all tree orders must be in to Dave.

There is also information from Dave on what he did with his shoreline property to protect the lake from run off and enhance wildlife habitat.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Shoreland Transition Zone Expo: 8/13/11

SHORELAND TRANSITION ZONE EXPO on Saturday, August 13, 2011, at DEEP PORTAGE LEARNING CENTER. (Located off Highway 46 east of Hackensack)

***   Creating a new transition zone  ***
***   Maintaining an existing transition zone  ***
***   Selecting plants for difficult shore land sites  ***
***   Rain drops as a valuable resource  ***
***   Native flora planting techniques for best results  ***
 ***  Free native plant seed packets  ***   (while supplies last)
***  Self-guided tour of shore land restoration sites  ***


You can call KATHY at Deep Portage (218-682-2325) daytime or JACK (218-682-2941) evenings to see if there are still slots open.

Fee of $15/person or $25/couple (includes lunch!), payable at check-in.

For More Information call Jack Fitzgerald (218-682-2941) any time.

EXPO Co-Sponsored by the Cass County Chapter, Izaak Walton League of America, Deep Portage Learning Center, Cass County ESD and the Leech Lake Area Watershed Foundation. Partially funded by a grant from the Cass County Soil and Water Conservation District.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Lee Bedsted

We are saddened by the death of our friend and neighbor, Lee Bedsted.  The Bedsted's have had a cabin on Long Lake since 1960 and Lee helped to build several cabins during summers on Chippewa Loop.  He died Monday, August 1st.

Link to:   Lee Bedsted's Obituary