Sunday, March 22, 2015

Article posted on MPR News site about ice out data

As the warmer weather comes and goes, Long Lake residence start to watch the ice.  The big question: When will "ice out" be this year?  This site starts getting more hits on our Ice Data Tab also.  So this article posted by MPR News seems very relevant to our readers.  An interesting part is: what is the exact definition of Ice Out.  

Taken from MPR News article:  As DNR climatologist Pete Boulay explains "The DNR uses observers (which can be individuals or groups familiar with the lakes and weather patterns) to report ice outs across the state, and the definition varies from individual to individual.  Boulay said there are three main ways to measure an ice out:
  1.  ability to get from point A to point B across a lake;

  2.  when about 90 percent of a lake is ice-free;

  3.  when a lake is completely free of ice.
Since the definitions vary, the DNR typically contacts the same observer or group in each part of the state to maintain some consistency over individual bodies of water.

"We usually leave it in the hands of the locals to declare their ice outs," Boulay said. "

Read the entire article here

Within the article is an interactive map for ice out data on Minnesota Lakes.  Click the link below to access the map.  Then zoom in to find Long Lake. You can also click a link to see the DNR's data on ice out. Their data is slightly different from ours which is not unexpected as our observers use a definition of "lake completely free of ice".

Friday, March 20, 2015

Pipeline Relocation Fund Supported by Donations from Long Lake Folks

Long Lake has had 82 families donate for the reroute of the Sandpiper Pipeline Corridor, so we are over half way to our goal of raising $25,000 from Long Lake.  Using these funds, and those from other lakes, the "Brief" document has been prepared for the MN Public Utilities Commission's
Administrative Law Judge by the Minnesota Center of Environmental Advocacy (MCEA) lawyers in partnership with Friends of the Headwaters.

The full brief can be read here:  click here
The Administrative Law Judge makes his  recommendation to the Public Utilities Commissioners on April 13.  The PUC Commissioners are likely to make a decision in June.

For campaign details, please see the letter recently sent to Long Lake property holders:

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Enterprise Article says to be alert for fire dangers.

 (Excerpt from article in the Wednesday March 18th Park Rapids Enterprise:) 

"Because the snow is disappearing quickly, we urge people to check fire conditions and burning regulations prior to doing any open burning and to use extra caution when burning,” said Tom Fasteland, Minnesota Interagency Fire Center coordinator.
With an early start to spring, open burning restrictions are likely to be implemented earlier than normal, likely this week.
"With the recent warm weather, the DNR’s fire behavior analysts are predicting an early start to Minnesota’s spring fire season.

Predicted temperatures this week in the 40s and 50s will likely take care of what little snowpack the state had this winter. Plus, forecasts for the next two weeks show mild temperatures and a dry weather pattern. Minnesota also had a relatively dry fall and very little snow this winter. All of this points toward abnormally dry conditions in early spring.

In addition to predicting an early start to the spring fire season, fire behavior analysts say that based on past weather patterns and fire occurrence, Minnesota will likely have an average to above average number of fires this spring. Without the snow compaction, grass fires will move faster and be more intense. And, with dry conditions, Minnesota could face fire mop-up and peat fire issues. "

Read the entire article by following the link below.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Positive Weather Report

March is looking very encouraging for an early ice out.  As Sharon noted in an email to the Association Board today, there are puddles of water on top of the ice all over Long Lake.  Most of the snow on the roads has melted too.  Maybe if we all keep our fingers crossed and think positive thoughts we will miss the snow storms we usually get in March.

Friday, March 6, 2015

Update on Ospreys at North End of Long Lake

Photo courtesy of  Kristi Coughlon,  DNR Information Officer for the NW

For several year ospreys have been nesting near the wires on this pole at
the north end of Long Lake.  The nest has been removed for safety reasons
and placed on top of the new nesting platform, ready for the ospreys to
return from migration.  Perhaps you will see the ospreys fishing in our lake
this summer.

Thanks to Park Rapids Cub Scout Pack 58, who constructed the platform, and
Great River Energy, which was granted permission to relocate the nest.

Click here for full story in Park Rapids Enterprise