Thursday, July 31, 2014

Osprey and Loon Report

Good News for the Osprey Family that Nests on Hwy. 34 and North End of Long Lake

According to the Northwoods Press article by Carrie Hitchcock about our Osprey Family, next year their home base will be even broader than the narrow beam on the power pole (located at the north end of Long Lake and Hwy. 34) that they call home this summer.

(click on the article to enlarge)

Long Lake Loons

The Aquatic Vegetation Monitoring Team spotted 9 loons on the lake Wednesday, July 30th, during their morning sampling expedition. There were six adults and three chicks.  It takes a community to raise a family and that goes for loons too!  Lets all be very careful to stay clear of the loon families so the chicks are not disturbed!

Thanks to Sharon Natzel and Northwoods Press for the information in this post.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Magazine Article Featuring LLAA Survey Results

In the spring of 2013, at the request of the Hubbard County, Minnesota, Coalition of Lake Associations (COLA), a master’s capstone class at the Indiana University School of Public and Environmental Affairs undertook a project to analyze the sustainability of both the COLA and it's individual lake associations.  Many residents of Long Lake participated in the survey for this project.

The results have been published in an article titled, "Analyzing and Improving the Sustainability of Lake Associations" by Jennifer Okajima, Jana McGee, Burnell C. Fischer, and James R. Farmer.  The Capstone Article was published in LakeLine Magazine's 2014 Summer Issue with facts and graphs utilizing the data from the survey answers of our own Long Lake residents.  LakeLine Magazine is published by the North American Lake Management Association.  To read the article click on this link:  Analyzing and Improving the Sustainability of Lake Associations_pdf

Dan Kittilson, COLA president, extended his thanks:
  “Kudos to Burney Fischer and his Indiana University School of Public and Environmental Affairs (SPEA) Capstone Masters Class for their successful accomplishments with their Capstone course and subsequent article that has been published in the LakeLine Magazine."

LLAA July 2014 Email from Arthur Howe

Yellow/Brown Crowns on your Pine Trees around Long Lake?

Wondering what is causing the yellow to reddish brown patches in the upper crown of your Red Pines, also known as Norway Pines? One of our members in Neighborhood #5 discovered this was caused by the pine bark beetle, a native MN beetle.  More than  60 trees had to be removed, from 3 properties.

The DNR Park Rapids Area Forestry was his first point of contact when he noticed reddish brown discoloration of the needles and a large amount of pine pitch on the bark of some trees.  A DNR consultant forester did further analysis with the landowner.  Then a tree service was engaged to remove the trees and safely dispose of them according to DNR guidelines, so as to not infect other pine trees:

Pine Bark Beetle
We encourage you to examine your Red/Norway Pine canopy for stressed or dying Red/Norway Pine trees. If you find discolored foliage in the crown, which is often the first noticed indication of a bark beetle attack, please consult with the DNR Park Rapids Area Forestry, 607 1st Street West, Park Rapids, MN 56470, 732-3309.

For an historical study of pine bark beetles, including examples of the devastation caused in Colorado, visit:  Bark Beetle Blues

Should the weather pattern of drought conditions like the summers of 2012 and 2013 begin again, the DNR Forestry suggests using a soaker hose in the drip area of these trees, so that one inch of water would be received on a weekly basis by the tree.  Watering helps keep the trees healthy, less stressed and better able to resist the pine bark beetle.  [MN DNR Pine Bark Beetles Brochure.pdf.]  Fortunately, there has been adequate rainfall so far this summer.

Saturday, July 19, 2014

New Link to Order Trees for 2015

Take a look at our "Shore Management" page.  (Tab above.)  We have posted a new link to the Hubbard County COLA's "Restore the Shore" page.  That is where you will find the information and order forms you need to order trees and shrubs to plant in 2015.

If you have any questions contact Sharon Natzel:
218-732-5749 or email

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Our 2014 Flotilla

The weather cooperated for our annual 4th of July Flotilla with the wind holding off just enough to allow the boats to slowly make their way around the lake.  Docks were filled with people watching the parade of boats which were decked out with flags, bunting, streamers and people wearing their red, white and blue.

The decorated boats and pontoons met in front of Frontier Resort with one group going north and another heading south.  Sharon Natzel took a few pictures as the boats gathered but ended up being the leader of the south group as their lead pontoon experienced battery problems.  More pictures were taken by CC White and Linda Kooyer from their docks.  If anyone else took pictures of the boats that went around the north half of the lake and would like to share them, please email them to us.  Click here and attach your photos.  We will add your pictures to the slide show below.  The flotilla is great fun.  Thank you to all our participants this year and let’s try to get even more boats out for next year.

Some phones and tablets do not support Flash.  This is a link to the photos in this slideshow for those without Flash:  LongLakeLiving.org_Picasa Web Album _2014 Flotilla

Pictures and Door Prize Winners from Annual Meeting

The Association had a good turnout for this year's meeting.  Barb Roberts counted 67 people attending, although people came and went according to their schedules.  Neighborhood representatives collected $1350 in dues, including two new members and two returning members.

There were also three checks written to the LLAA Foundation to help in the fight against AIS.  During Jeff Borkman's talk he reminded us that Long Lake has a unique position in this fight.  We are one of the few lakes without a river running into it and we have a dam to keep things from coming up the Long Lake River.  If we are vigilant about keeping boats and equipment clean, we can keep AIS out of our Lake.  Click here to view door prize winners 

Slideshow of pictures taken during the meeting.

Some phones and tablets do not support Flash.  This is a link to the photos in this slideshow for those without Flash:  LongLakeLiving.org_Picasa Web Album_2014 Annual Meeting

Saturday, July 5, 2014

MLR Legacy Webinar on Cabin Trusts: announced at Annual Meeting

Don’t miss this FREE presentation!
Wednesday, July 9
1:00 – 2:30 pm (central time)
Watch this Live Webinar from
your computer!

Dear Friend,
If your lake place is the center of your family, the gathering place, the spot where friends and extended family gather to create life-long memories, then you cannot afford to miss this seminar.  Our places are heirlooms, not assets.  But moving a place from one generation to the next can be difficult. Recent changes to the Minnesota gift tax will require further planning. Now you and your heirs can establish a future for the family place that has been so important.

Find Out What Can Happen Without a Cabin Trust or Cabin LLC…
  •      Disputes arise over who should pay the taxes, insurance and maintenance
  •      Interests pass to unintended heirs
  •      Interests in the cabin may go through multiple probates
  •      Unexpected loss of step-up in basis

  •      Disputes over who gets to use the property and when they get to use it
  •      Too many common owners with too many different interests and financial
          situations to be workable
Find Out What Can Happen With a Cabin Trust or Cabin LLC
  • Avoid disputes and bring family together for generations to come
  • Reduce estate and gift taxes and avoid multiple probates
  • Can be stand-alone or added to your existing will or living trust
  • Provide a cash endowment to fund taxes, insurance, maintenance, even a new boat
  • Create an orderly schedule of use, rules regarding guests and expense sharing agreements
  • Plan for cross purchases between siblings and other heirs

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

2014 Flotilla Information

The Long Lake Flotilla is Friday, July 4th.  Come, join the parade of boats!

Gather at 9:50AM in front of New Frontier Resort on the west side of Long Lake and depart at 10AM in two groups.  Follow the leader with your Route Sign – one goes north and one south.  Decorate and show us your patriotic spirit!

If there is inclement weather (high winds, rain, thunder storms) at 9AM on that day, the Flotilla will be cancelled.

Pictures will be taken and placed on the LLAA website,   Participants agree to allow boats to be photographed and published on this website.