We wanted to let you know that there is an opportunity for you to provide your own comments, both written and/or in person regarding the requested Conditional Use Application 4-CU-19. The applicant is requesting a conditional use permit per Section 401, Table 1 of the Shoreland Management Ordinance to operate a recreational vehicle campground on the northwest side of Long Lake on Hubbard County parcel ID: 13.42.05000. See the timeline for your opportunities to participate below.
Your own comments, perspectives & your presence matter for Long Lake!
Part of Long Lake Area Association's (LLAA) mission and values support the association’s involvement in education and communication on commenting on this proposed Conditional Use Application 4-CU-19.
Monday 5/20/19 at 6 PM,
Hubbard County Government Center,
301 Court Ave,
Board Room #324
Park Rapids
The Conditional Use Application 4-CU-19 will be heard by the Planning Commission along with other agenda items. Instructions for navigating to the electronic county agenda are documented on the Notice of Hubbard County Board of Adjustment Public Hearing/Meeting for 4-CU-19 in the next link. From the county agenda link you can access the full application in doc 53649 online. Agenda for County Meeting on CUPs May 20, 2019
Public comment on agenda items may be made orally during the hearing/meeting 5/20/19 or in writing by 5/15/19, 3:30 PM.
Written comments/materials on agenda items must be submitted to:
Hubbard County Environmental Services,
301 Court Ave.,
Park Rapids, MN 56470
✔️by 3:30 p.m. on Wednesday, May 15, 2019
Please include the submitter’s complete name and address of residence. Include your seasonal residence address here at the lake in addition.
Your email written comments should be addressed to and include the Subject: 4-CU-19
Eric Buitenwerf, Environmental Services Director
Hubbard County Environmental Services
301 Court Avenue
Park Rapids, MN 56470
Email: ebuitenwerf@co.hubbard.mn.us
The Planning Commission Findings of Fact criteria may help guide you in creating your own specific, factual comments. (We have included our LLAA findings of fact attached which include the criteria regarding 4-CU-19, for your information. Link to pdf of LLAA letter)
Link to blank Findings of Fact document
Onsite property review of parcel for 4-CU-19 will occur on Thursday, May 16, 2019 at approximately 11:10 AM (allow at least + / - 30 minutes from scheduled time). Parcel address is 18080 Emerald Island Circle, Park Rapids. Don’t enter the lot until the Hubbard County Planning Commission arrives. You can follow behind and listen.
We hope you find this information helpful so that you can feel comfortable being part of the public comment process – written and/or verbal. We look forward to seeing you at the Planning Commission/Board of Adjustment (BOA) meeting if you are in the area. We continue to work in partnership with the Neighborhood #6 team and the lawyer with shoreland ordinance experience, Mr. James Peters.
A final note to consider for your calendar is the CUP recommendation from the Planning Commission may be on the Hubbard County Commissioner's Board Meeting agenda on June 4th; if not at that meeting, then on June 18th.
Keep track of county commissioner agendas here: Links to County Commissioners' agenda
The Board of Directors of the Long Lake Area Association (Hubbard County) Inc.
For more information about Shoreland Ordnance procedures go to our Shoreland Ordnance tab: direct link