Monday, May 20, 2013

A Big "Thank You"

Thank you to all our Long Lake Area Association members who helped with the County 20 roadside cleanup on Saturday, May 18th.  We appreciate your help and dedication toward keeping Long Lake clean and beautiful.  Bill Cowman deserves a special thank you for using his trailer to haul the bags of garbage to the dump.  His trailer was full!  It was good to see it all go to the dump instead of sitting in our ditches.

Hundreds of Loons Dead, Invasive Species Suspected

Loons w. shoreline greens reflecting
Photo by L.L.Kooyer
More than 900 loons were found dead last fall on the shores of Lake Michigan.  Some were likely Minnesota birds, as Minnesota Loons that have been banded with GPS have been tracked there during migration.  You can listen to these radio spots from MPR for more information.

Audio reports:

1. Short MPR segment on Loon Deaths

2. Scientists Discuss Loon Deaths

Follow this link to the article:  MPR Report on Loon Deaths

On a cheerier note, the Minnesota Bound Loon Cam is up and running.  The link is in the Webcams box on the right sidebar.

Fullers "Golden Book" Helps Researchers and DNR Improve Fishing

To read the full article click here:   Fullers Golden Books help write Angling History in Park Rapids

According to the Park Rapids Enterprise:  "The analysis was completed in 1989 by Donald Olson and Paul Cunningham, a pair of DNR fisheries research biologists. Together, they analyzed fishing contest records from 1930 through 1987 that appeared in the popular Fuller’s Fishermen’s Golden Book and Fishing Directory. This annual publication recorded the weights of all fish entered in the contest, regardless of size, and also the waters from which they were caught."

Saturday, May 11, 2013

It's Official

The spring we have longed for has finally come:  The ice was literally blown off the lake over night.  The winds this morning were around 20 miles per hour.  According to our records that is 4 days later than the latest recorded date of May 7, 1996.

Another sign of spring was the opening of fishing season. This was all the more fun this year as Governor Dayton and friends held the official opener in Park Rapids.  There were many celebrations including a community picnic down town.  The pictures below are of some of the Long Lake people who were volunteering.  They represent just 3 of the many who lent their time and talents to this successful event!

Monday, May 6, 2013

Busy Weekend: Governor's Fishing Opener in Park Rapids

Just in case you have not seen all the activities planned for this weekend, here is the Chamber of Commerce poster about the GFO.  Lots of fun and we are all hoping for a sunny day.  Many Long Lake people are volunteers at events, so come and join us.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Loons and the Spring Newsletter

Loon, May 2013
Photo by Barb Roberts
Barb Roberts sent us these photos today telling us, "A pair of loons are back on the north end of Long Lake.  Larry & I put the artificial loon nest out today.  This is the second year we've put it out.  They didn't use it last year but we are hoping they will give it a try this year!"
We, too, hope the nesting platform will get used this year.  Thanks Barb and Larry.

Another sign of spring is LLAA's spring newsletter!  We've just posted it and you can find it by scrolling down toward the bottom of the "Board Communications" page or by following this link:  2013 Spring Newsletter

Nesting Platform
Photo by Barb Roberts