Tuesday, June 30, 2015

4th of July Flotilla and More

July 4th Flotilla 

Decorate & show your patriotic spirit! 

Wave & watch from shore too!

  •  9:50 AM meet in front of New Frontier Resort on the West side of Long Lake
  •  10 AM both the North & South Leaders will lead the parade on the two routes.
  •  If there is bad weather such as high winds, rain or thunderstorms at 9 AM:  the event will be cancelled.
  •  Participants agree to allow boats to be photographed and published on our longlakeliving.org website
  •  Provide your photos to longlakeliving@gmail.com

Other Activities in July: 

July 1st to June 20, 2016 -
 Fishing Contest for Kids from 5 to 15 years old – To enter the contest, Parents submit by email the first name of kid and photo which shows the child and the fish caught on Long Lake along with answers to the contest questions to longlakeliving@gmail.com   See the contest questions to answer & more details at: http://www.longlakeliving.org/p/kids-fishing-contest.html

Tuezday, July 7th at 6 PM is Zorbaz Night – bring your Long Lake neighborz for fun timez

This website will post any pictures of lake activities, fishing, skiing,  tubing, etc. that you submit.  Share your good times with your lake neighbors.

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Pictures and Notes From Annual Meeting 2015

Over 93 people attended the Long Lake Area Association annual meeting on Saturday morning. First the group heard an excellent talk from Christine Herwig, the Regional Non Game Specialist, from Minnesota's DNR.  Christine shared information on eagles, herons, loons, trumpeter swans, ospreys and other wildlife such as otters in the area.  She said most of these species are doing OK in Minnesota but each has a few concerns that we need to be aware of in order to keep the species healthy.  She also shared information on how we can all help keep our lake clear and healthy by being careful with our shoreline, by planting native plants, and watching out for invasive plants such as the Japanese Knotweed or Non Native Water Lily.  (Check out our Shore Management page for more information.) She also talked a little about pine beetles, turtles, amphibians and AIS.  Christine mentioned several books and pamphlets that would be good sources of information: Resource Link to DNR.

The next part of the meeting conducted by our president, Sharon Natzel, covered all the details of the association such as approval of last year's minutes, and treasurer's report from Doug Bakken for both the association and the LLAA Foundation. There were reports from various board members:
    ◦    Jeff Bjorkman on AIS monitoring
    ◦    Jaimie Beretta on Events and the Kids Fishing Contest
    ◦    Dave Anderson on the LLAA Foundation which is now 5 years old
    ◦    Sharon Natzel on pine bark beetles, lake monitoring, groundwater planning and Sandpiper pipeline updates

Elections were held for Neighborhoods 2, 4, and 6.  Two new people were welcomed to the board:  Monica Wilkins from Neighborhood 6 and Pam Petersen from Neighborhood 4

Dave Anderson, Arthur Howe and Renee Gust were thanked for their service on the board.

And of course at the end Door Prizes were drawn with the grand prize basket going to Dave Peterson of Neighborhood 5.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

ANNUAL MEETING: June 27, 2015

Members and non-members are invited to 
the Hubbard Community Center
 at 9:30 AM – Noon
on Saturday June 27th 
for our annual meeting

9:30 AM - refreshments, socializing, registration, and displays 

10:00 AM -Business Meeting
  • Guest Speaker   - DNR Regional Nongame Wildlife Specialist
  • AIS update
  • Pine Bark beetle update
  • Lake monitoring results
  • Groundwater Planning update
  • Sandpiper oil pipeline update
  • Kids fishing and 4th of July flotilla activities
  • Financial reports and elections
  • Prizes
More information on these topics is in the Spring Newsletter 2015: