July 4th Flotilla
Decorate & show your patriotic spirit!
Wave & watch from shore too!
- 9:50 AM meet in front of New Frontier Resort on the West side of Long Lake
- 10 AM both the North & South Leaders will lead the parade on the two routes.
- If there is bad weather such as high winds, rain or thunderstorms at 9 AM: the event will be cancelled.
- Participants agree to allow boats to be photographed and published on our longlakeliving.org website
- Provide your photos to longlakeliving@gmail.com
Other Activities in July:
July 1st to June 20, 2016 -
Fishing Contest for Kids from 5 to 15 years old – To enter the contest, Parents submit by email the first name of kid and photo which shows the child and the fish caught on Long Lake along with answers to the contest questions to longlakeliving@gmail.com See the contest questions to answer & more details at: http://www.longlakeliving.org/p/kids-fishing-contest.html
Tuezday, July 7th at 6 PM is Zorbaz Night – bring your Long Lake neighborz for fun timez
This website will post any pictures of lake activities, fishing, skiing, tubing, etc. that you submit. Share your good times with your lake neighbors.