Minnesota Waters and the Pine River Watershed Alliance invite you to a free event:
Healthy Lakes Legislative Forum
Friday, September 23, 2-5 pm
Northern Lights Casino Convention Center
Mark your calendars for the fourth annual Healthy Lakes Legislative Forum, sponsored by Minnesota Waters and the Pine River Watershed Alliance.
The goal of the Forum is to provide legislators with examples of the effective, vital, citizen-led lake/stream protection work in Minnesota and to highlight how legislators can support these efforts at the Capitol in the coming legislative session.
This year’s Forum will incorporate a statewide focus on citizen-led efforts for:
- aquatic invasive species prevention and management;
- shoreland rules and protection;
- water quality monitoring;
- successful citizen-state partnerships that can lead to greater resource protection.
Presenters will be discussing a number of premiere citizen-led projects and successes from across the state.
Key legislators in attendance will include Senate Environment and Natural Resources Committee Chair, Bill Ingebrigtsen, and House Environment, Energy and Natural Resources Policy and Finance Committee Chair, Denny McNamara. Governor Dayton and agency Commissioners have been invited and several regional legislators plan to attend.
The Forum will last approximately two hours and will be followed by a reception for informal discussion and networking. The entire event is open to the public and admission is free. The Forum is being hosted by the Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe. Please contact Carrie Maurer-Ackerman at carriea@minnesotawaters.org or 218-587-2980 if you have any questions.
Link to event PDF: 2011 Healthy Lakes Legislative Forum PDF