Saturday, July 13, 2024

Tips for Families with Four-Legged Friends

by Pam Petersen 

Many of us do bring our four-legged friends with us to the lake whether for the weekend, the summer or the year. Having them here should be pleasurable both for their owners and for other lake residents and guests. Sometimes, however, that’s not the case.

Although you know your dog’s personality around other people, children, or other animals, the people and animals you may encounter out walking do not know your pet. They may have had previous uncomfortable or even dangerous encounters with animals and are not reassured by your saying, ‘He’s a nice dog.’ There is also the possibility of your pet being ‘spooked’ by a vehicle, animal or even a child, a situation which can make your ‘always well behaved’ pet feel the need to defend itself or you.

And, of course, you might feel threatened by someone else’s dog. There are both legal and common- sense considerations about having a dog leashed or not, whether on its owner’s property or on the common roads. It is important, if you feel that someone is not properly controlling and restraining their dog, your first attempt at remedying the situation is to talk with the owner. A civil expression of your concerns, especially if there are specific incidents that you can relate, will help in coming to an agreement that both parties feel comfortable with. If the situation cannot be resolved in a neighborly manner, then there is a specific order of formal complaint spelled out in the Hubbard County Animal Ordinance. Click here for a link to the Hubbard County Animal Ordinance

Our pets are members of our families and our community. Let’s work together to make their presence at the lake be pleasant, safe and enjoyable for everyone!

Saturday, July 6, 2024

Thank you to all who participated in the LLAA 2024 Flotilla


The weather report was threatening all week, but on the 4th the sky seemed to clear at 3.  So the Flotilla was on!  Many families motored over to New Frontier Resort to gather for the start of the Flotilla at 4 pm.  One group went north with Jim Seifert as their leader and others followed Fritz Viner going south along the eastern shore. (We thought we would change the route so the east side got to see the flotilla first)  It was about 4:40 when the flotilla passed by my cabin on west side at Chippewa Loop. I took what pictures I could get.  Jim Seifert took pictures and Mary Johnston took pictures of her family decorating their boat. I combined these in a "movie" for all to enjoy. (Narrative by CC White)

If you have suggestions on how to improve future flotillas email us at  

See the all the pictures on YouTube

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Missed our Guest speaker at the Annual Meeting?

Did you miss our Annual meeting on Saturday?  

Catch up with this blog: 

Use the links to view the video of Nicole Kovar's talk "What's at the end of my dock?"  and the pdf of her slides. There are some great graphics to help understand how useful these "weeds'" are to our lake.The other link is to the slides used as a report to the membership.

Link to YouTube Nicole's video

View Nicole's PowerPointSlide as pdf

Review your LLAA 2024-25 Board of Directors

Other  Door Prizes Winners:

From LLAA: Gift Card to Hilltop Inn ($40): Mae Tinguely

From LLAA: Gift Card to Hafner’s Greenhouse ($30): Jack Derr

From LLAA: Gift Card to Silver Star Saloon ($30): John Hansell

From Ron Taggart: Wooden Bucket he made: Arthur Howell

LLAA is seeking volunteers to help on the various committees for the next year. Put your talents and skills to use protecting our lake:  The committee descriptions are in the slides and listed on the volunteer sheet: ( PDF of volunteer sheet.

Download the form and send it to