Sunday, September 16, 2018

LLAA(HC) INC Expresses Concerns

After the September 2nd, 2018 informational meeting of interested Long Lake property owners at Northwoods Bank and a discussion at the 9/8/18 board meeting, the LLAA Board of Directors voted to send a letter to the Hubbard County Planning Commission and Board of Adjustments regarding the proposed RV Park to be located on the northwest side of Long Lake.

Lily Pads near proposed site
Close up: Notice the abundance of other life near the lily pads

 The LLAA Board expressed their concerns that an RV Park at this particular lot would be detrimental to this area and the lake in general. It will significantly change the character of the channel leading to the property. These changes can affect the habitat for many plants including the lily pads (pictured), the fish, and eventually the ducks and loons. The neighbors often see loons in the area. This area is perfect for nesting loons. It is one of only five areas on the lake suitable for nesting loons.

The Board is also concerned that stirring up the bottom sediment will release phosphorus into the rest of the lake.  This will affect the water quality/clarity for the entire lake as the water flows from the north to the south. 

The Board included in its letter its responses to all of the variances and the Conditional Use Permit.

Residents of Long Lake are encouraged to express their own concerns and attend the September 24, 2018 meeting of the Board of Adjustment and Planning Commission.

Address Information Required for your comments.  Include:
Subject: 2-CU-18 and 31-V-18. 
Your complete name and address of residence, plus 
your Hubbard County address if applicable. 

Send to

Eric Buitenwerf
, Environmental Services Director
Hubbard County Environmental Services 
301 Court Avenue

Park Rapids, MN 56470


Wed 9/19/18 - 4:30PM - Final deadline for written comments for the CUP 2-CU-18 and the variance application 31-V-18. Comments received are provided to the BOA on 9/20 morning in time for the onsite property reviews.

Thurs 9/20/18 - 9:05AM (Plus or Minus 30 minutes) - Expected time for the Onsite Property Review to begin for the proposed RV Park. (So be there earlier than 9:05, like 8:50 AM, in case the BOA is ahead of schedule.) The public can observe the BOA onsite property review by following behind the BOA once they arrive and observe and listen. Please do not enter the lot until after the BOA arrives.

Monday 9/24/18 – 6PM - BOA Meeting for the Variances for 31-V-18 and others on agenda. The Planning Commission meeting follows the BOA meeting. During each meeting, there is a public comment opportunity for 3 minutes speaking time limit per speaker per agenda item. See the Meeting Procedure on Environmental Services Website or on the LLAA website on the Shoreland Ordinance tab.


Friday, September 7, 2018

Information Concerning Proposed RV Trailer Park on Long Lake

Below is the letter that has just been emailed to all members on the details of a proposed RV Trailer Park on Long Lake. 

September 6, 2018 
Dear Long Lake Lakeshore Owners, 

We want to inform you about applications for a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) and 5 variances to the Shoreland Ordinance (1 is an after-the-fact) that are being requested by a Long Lake property owner to build and operate a high density RV park on the northwest shore of Long Lake in the shallow bay on the north side of Pine Island (an area identified by the DNR as a public water wetland). The address is 18080 Emerald Island Circle, Hubbard County Parcel ID: 13.42.05000. 

The proposal is to establish 14 RV sites, 6 tent camping sites, plus a bathhouse on 4.25 acres. The extended boat dock would be capable of housing 8 boats and lake service providers would be allowed to install boat lifts and/or personal watercraft lifts. For further details about the applications please see the Environmental Services Agenda. (You will see the link below.)  Please note the following sections:
CUP 2-CU-18 page 35 ”Site Plan Parcel 13.42.05000” to orient you, plus page 55 “Conditional Use Permit – responses to August 29, 2018 letter” where it states “The shooting range will