Do you know that in 2011 Minnesota passed a law for service providers so that AIS, such as the Zebra mussels pictured here, are not transported from one waterway to another? Contamination from nearby infested lakes, such as Leech Lake (Zebra mussels), Detroit Lake (Zebra mussels), Twin Lakes and Crow Wing Lakes (faucet snail), needs to be prevented.
To view a map showing infested lakes, follow this link and click on the maps tab:

To confirm your provider is permitted visit: Look under Hubbard County or if the provider is further away, check Clearwater, Beltrami, Cass, Wadena, Becker or Otter Tail counties.
Please be sure your guests decontaminate equipment coming from infested areas.
Check information and times at:
Check information and times at: