Saturday, January 26, 2019

An Important Letter from MN Lakes & Rivers Advocates_Please Read

Dear Friend,

Minnesota Lakes and Rivers Advocates believes that science must drive natural resource decisions. In 2012, as zebra mussels were starting to spread across the state, we worked on a multi-pronged effort of education in the media, legislative solutions, and science. 

The MN Legislature, using both Natural Resources Trust Fund dollars and direct appropriations, created the Minnesota Aquatic Invasive Species Research Center that year.

Science takes time, but workable solutions are starting to emerge and the early investment is starting to pay off.
"There are reasons to be optimistic... science can make a difference." Dr. Nick Phelps to the House Environment and Natural Resources Policy Committee.

To see his full presentation, CLICK HERE
During his testimony at the House Environment an Natural Resources Policy Committee, Dr. Phelps referenced new findings, "Hot off the presses." In reference to a big lake study of the impacts of AIS on fisheries by Dr. Gretchen Hansen, he said, "The impacts of spiny waterflea and zebra mussels are significant. They (walleye/perch) do grow slower in lakes that have zebra mussels or spiny waterflea. Slower growing fish reduces survival in the first year."

Dr. Phelps went on to note that of the nine large lakes studied, Mille Lacs is the only one that has both invasive species.

Reliable, ongoing funding that provides scientific independence to the MAISRC has never been provided. Instead they have had to cobble together operating funds from a variety of sources. Said Dr. Phelps, "Baseline funding is important. It is hard to plan longterm efforts when you have to jump grant to grant."

We agree.

Please take action today to let your elected officials know that you support the work of the Minnesota Aquatic Invasive Species Research Center, and urge them to find a way to provide funding that is; 1) reliable, 2) sufficient to meet core needs, 3) provides independence to MAISRC researchers.

Use the ACT NOW button at the top or bottom of this email to send your legislators an email. Please take a moment to edit the boilerplate language provided and personalize your message.

Thank you for all you do and please keep in touch,


Entry in This Year's Long Lake Fishing Challenge: A Fall memory

Northern Pike caught by Scott Riemenschneider on September 30, 2018.  He was trolling with a blue/silver rattle trap lure off the Southwest shore line of the lake.

Do you have a good fish story to share?  It can be either Summer or Winter fishing.  Just email your picture and the complete story to  Doing that will enter you into the contest.

2018-1019 Long Lake Fishing Challenge:

From 7/1/2018 to 6/26/2019
Three prizes ($25, $15, $10) will be awarded by a drawing from all entries.

Friday, January 25, 2019

Great Year for Ice Fishing on Long Lake

Kim pulled this 37 inch Northern through the ice on 10 pound test line.  It gave him quite a fight!

Submitted by Pat Stevens on 1/17/19
Do you have a good fish story to share?  (It can be either Summer or Winter fishing).  Email your picture and the complete story to  That will automatically enter you into the contest.

New Long Lake Fishing Challenge
From 7/1/2018 to 6/26/2019
Three prizes ($25, $15, $10) will be awarded by a drawing from all entries.

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Obituary for Ralph Notch

Ralph Notch, along with his wife, Sharon, owned the New Frontier Resort on Long Lake since 1982.  He passed away January 9, 2019.

  "Ralph Ladislaus Notch, 77, of Park Rapids passed away at his home at New Frontier Resort on Long Lake with his family by his side.
   A Celebration of Life Mass will be held 11:00 am Saturday, January 19 at Our Lady of the Pines in Nevis, with a visitation one hour prior.    The family will continue honoring Ralph's life at Necce's Italian Restaurant in Park Rapids immediately following the service on Saturday. Interment will be in the Jim Cook Cemetery. Cease Family Funeral Home of Park Rapids is assisting the family."

His full obituary can be found here: