Sunday, November 19, 2023

Family Gathering for the Holiday?


Long Lake History: We need your input!
With another summer spent at the lake, comes new memories and stories to share.  Have you checked out our history tab on the website?  It features memories spanning many years shared by Association members. Early this past summer a team revised the Long Lake History section of our website:  ( It is now organized by decades to make it easier to find a story. 

Help Us Share Lake Memories
Please take some time to read these memories. Then, take the next step to document some of your memories and share them with me to post on the website. Our team can help you with editing, etc.

We're also looking for Memories/Photos of Family Properties Celebrating 100 Years


The west side of Long Lake started to be developed as a summer recreation area in the late 1920s. This means we have many lots owned by families that are celebrating 100 years on Long Lake! The Local newspaper is publishing some of these stories, but they are not shareable on our website. If you are a hundred year family cabin, please share your family's memories with us directly.

We’re also Looking for Memories and Photos from 1970 to the Current Year such as:

  • Water sports: What was your ski boat like? How did you learn to ski?
  • Fishing stories can include hooking everything from stumps to really big fish. What type of boat did you use for fishing?
  • Campfire stories, or songs

Take time to listen to the family stories this holiday season. Write the stories down and send your memories to

Saturday, November 11, 2023

MN Dept of Transportation (MnDOT) Highway 87

 Hubbard Project Update by Sharon Natzel

As many of you know, work on Highway 87 – Hubbard will occur in 2024 and 2025.

Hopefully, you were able to attend the MN Department of Transportation (MnDOT) Open House on Wednesday, 10/4/2023 at the Hubbard Community Center. We will provide updates as more information becomes available.

Sign up for MnDOT email updates on the project:

Here are some basic project highlights:
2024 Construction: Reconstruct Hubbard to Third Crow Wing

  • Includes reconstructing Highway 87 and widening its shoulders

2025 Construction: Hwy 71 to Hubbard

  • Urban reconstruct in Hubbard
  •  Rural reconstruct, shoulder widening
  • Culvert replacement at Long Lake (Plans also call for replacing the DNR-owned inlet control structure tied to MnDOT-owned culvert.)

2025 Construction: Third Crow Wing Lake to Hwy 64 

  • Resurface 
  • Culvert replacements 

The LLAA 2023 Spring Newsletter contained an article on page 9 about the project and the drilling unit that was placed near the dam to investigate the soils deep below the road so that the box culvert replacement can be engineered correctly. The MnDOT Central Office Geo Tech crew took soil samples for analysis. All newsletters are available online on our website: 

The LLAA E-Blast on 9/23/2023 listed these FAQs which have been answered during  the 10/4/2023 MnDOT Open House: 

Question 1: Will the 2025 replacement of what we think of as the "dam," which is the MnDOT-owned culvert along with the DNR-owned Inlet Control Structure at the south end of Long Lake, affect the lake water level during the project and after its completion?

Answer 1: The MN DNR has not permitted a change in the water level except to allow for the normal one-foot-level bounce reflected in measurements since the 1990’s. The short-term design includes a bypass pipe rated for a 10-year rain event. Of course, a 100-year rain event would make the water rise.

Watch for more details in the LLAA Spring 2024 Newsletter, including the use of a steel sheet pile cofferdam to create a work area while the lake continues flowing into the stream during construction.

Question 2: What is the MN DNR's involvement in the MnDOT 2025 project? What are the likely impacts, if any, on fish, loons and recreation?

Answer 2: The DNR and the MnDOT teams have met three times to discuss dam safety, water permits, and more. With the water level remaining the same as usual,there will be little to no effect on fish or nesting loons. The south public water access will remain open via Beachview Road. To protect fish spawning between April and July, the work on the dam will begin July 1, 2025 and be completed in 3-1/2 to 4 months.

The new box culvert will be the same height and width as the current 8' x 6' box culvert and will be placed to the east of the existing culvert, This aligns it even better with the stream and helps prevent bank erosion. The new culvert will be lengthened to meet current clear zone standards and eliminate the guard rail. The dam will be cast-in-place concrete. The tree cutting required there will occur between November 1st and March 30th.

Question 3: How will the public access the businesses in Hubbard, the church, the playground, the Township monthly meetings, etc.? The project will require detours.

Answer 3: Detours will be a way of life that summer.

Watch for future articles on this project in the LLAA Newsletters.

Monday, November 6, 2023

Two More Brief Loon Narratives

 From Margaret and Fred Rickers

Margaret and Fred Rickers live on Long Lake and had visiting family staying at Timberlane Resort. “Our 25-year-old grandson was outside when he noticed a loon on the shore and took a video of it. It seemed wounded and unable to fly. We contacted the Northwoods Wildlife Rescue at 

to help in the loon rescue with the Wildlife Recovery team available in the Park Rapids area. By the time they arrived, however, a wave had washed up and the loon could swim away. Disappointment! 

Video: Kenneth Sorenson 

“The following week a couple staying at Timberlane Resort saw a wounded loon on shore. They knew the beak was very dangerous and so they wrapped it in a towel and held the head to keep it from harming them. The woman held the loon and comforted it while the man removed a lure from its wing. They placed the loon on an oar and put it back in the water. A hopefully happy ending for the loon and those of us that love them.”