Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Restore the Shore Orders Forms Are Here

The "Restore the Shore (RTS)" order form for trees, shrubs, & plant kits is available at :

The deadline to order is November 1st.

Mail your order form and check made out to:
PO Box 808,
Park Rapids, MN 56470.

Our RTS Coordinator, Sharon Natzel will consolidate the orders for Long Lake and pick up the items the first week in May 2017 for you.

This past summer, Sharon purchased a pollinator kit through the RTS program and was very pleased; "The plant plugs actually bloomed this year in the buffer zone area so it was a very rewarding purchase!  I'm hoping to see the plants pop up their heads next spring so they can "creep" in year two and then "leap" in year three as they say about perennials!"

You will note there are 3 kits available for 2017 on the order form on page 2- - pollinator, rain garden and shade.