Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Summary of Annual Meeting 6/26/2021

This summary page includes: 

1. Keith Manlove's presentation: video and pdf of slides.

2. Video of second part of the business meeting which has the reports and announcements.

3. The Board of Directors' election results for neighborhoods 2, 4, and 6.

4. The Officers for the Association 2021 Board. 

5. Winners of the drawings for "door" prizes and Ice Out drawing.

Here is the YouTube link to Keith's presentation:  Keith Manlove's Presentation

Here is the link to pdf of Keith's slides:  https://drive.google.com/file/d/1JcEfutDaJU93wN60TcCiiFhZU1h1YOgQ/view?usp=sharing

Here is the link to the Business  and announcements section of the Annual Meeting:
Annual Meeting Part II


Current Board of Directors 2021-2022.

(To see bios of our directors: See Board Members page/tab )

At Large:  Pam Petersen and Sam Oliver
Neighborhood 1:  Fred Rickers and Alternate James Alseth
Neighborhood 2:  Keith Manlove and Alternate Robert Nelson
Neighborhood 3:  Jaimie Beretta and Alternate Sharon Natzel
Neighborhood 4:  Mary Leadbetter and Alternate Cheryl Scholz
Neighborhood 5:  Kari Christen Richards and Alternate Carolynne C. White
Neighborhood 6:  Jim Seifert and Alternate Dawn Hammerschmidt

The follow were elected by the board members to be Officers for 2021-22


Winners of Door Prizes and Ice Out:

The three contestants, Katy, Mae, & Nancy, of the "So You Want To Protect The Lake" game and game show host, Keith, are being mailed $25 "Thank You" Gifts for "Gardening Lake Friendly" shore-land improvements.

The two $25 Door Prize Gifts were drawn at the end of the meeting and are being mailed to Kari Christen Richards and Cheryl Scholz.

The quilt for "Ice Out Guesses" from Monika Wilkins goes to the drawing winner Mark Stenzel.  Mark is to pick up the prize quilt "Gardening Lake Friendly" at Monika's Quilt Shop in Park Rapids. 

Ice Out was April 7th this year.  No one guessed the exact date but Michael Stenzel (4/5) and Kari Richards (4/10) were close.

Saturday, June 26, 2021

4th of July Flotilla 2021 Information

Our 2021 Long Lake 4th of July Flotilla will be held on Sunday, July 4th.  We will gather at New Frontier Resort on the west side of the lake starting at 9:20 am. Follow the North or South Leaders as they lead off at 9:30 am.  If there is inclement weather (high winds, rain, thunderstorms) at 8:30 am on that day, the Flotilla will be cancelled.

Thursday, June 3, 2021

NOTICE: Annual Meeting of the Long Lake Area Association (Hubbard County) Inc

Meeting Date:  June 26, 2021 at 10 A.M.

Location:  Via ZOOM and Teleconference.

Section 5.1 ANNUAL MEETINGS. The Membership shall meet at least annually between June 1st and August 31st at such time and place as may be set by the Board of Directors. Such meeting is herein referred to as the Annual Meeting.

NOTICE. Notice of the Annual Meeting shall be given at the direction of the Board, not less than ten (10) or more than sixty (60) days prior to the holding of such meeting in such manner as shall reasonably assure that the Membership of the Association is adequately informed of the time, place and general nature of the meeting. Such notice shall include a tentative agenda or informal statement of topics expected to be considered at the Annual Meeting. The Board shall submit a proposed budget for consideration by the Membership at the meeting and the Treasurer or other authorized representative shall give a financial report.

The Board of Directors may designate any place suitable for the proposed meeting that is within or without the Association Area and within a reasonable distance as the place of meeting. The Board shall make every effort to hold the annual meeting in a physical location. When conditions prevent a physical meeting, then the Board shall be authorized to hold the Annual Meeting by conference telephone or similar communications equipment. All persons participating in the meeting shall be able to hear each other, and participation in a meeting pursuant to this provision shall constitute presence in person at the meeting.
Notice is provided that the Annual Meeting of the Long Lake Area Association (LLAA) will be held via ZOOM video conference and telephone conference. The Board of Directors having met and determined that, with reference to the COVID-19 Global Pandemic, conditions exist that prevent a physical meeting from being held. While the COVID-19 Pandemic restrictions have been dramatically reduced, because of the preparation and planning required, the decision was made to conduct the annual meeting virtually in 2021. The board is hopeful that the 2022 Annual Meeting will be held in person.

Members are encouraged to VOTE for open Board Member positions PRIOR TO the annual meeting. Ballots will be distributed via email or by United States Postal Service for members without email capabilities. Completed ballots must be received by LLAA by 6-15-2021 in order to be counted. Instructions are provided with the ballots. Our LLAA emails often go to both spouses and other members of families. Please remember only one vote per paid membership.

 We are requesting that LLAA Members who are planning on attending the Zoom annual meeting register in advance using this link below:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the Zoom meeting.

The LLAA 2020 Draft Annual Meeting Minutes:  Link to Annual Minutes  

Follow this link to view the The 2020-2021 current Financials with LLAA Board of Director approved Budget for 2021-2022:  Annual Treasurers Report

The LLAA Annual Meeting will be held as a Zoom Meeting. A telephone conferencing number will be provided for those members who do not wish to connect to the meeting via computer or tablet.

Members will have the ability to ask questions via “chat” or via telephone during the meeting. Please mute and turn off your video unless you are part of the program at that time.

Because of technology limitations and security concerns, we ask that each Member Family Group limit their attendance to 1 connection per membership. Please do not share any meeting IDs or Passwords other than to other Association Members. A roll call of Members attending will be taken prior to admittance to the meeting. We plan to record the presentation for viewing later through the LLAA website for those unable to attend 6/26.

Long Lake Area Association (Hubbard County) Inc AGENDA:

"Protecting and Preserving Long Lake - How Do We Do It?"

  • Call to Order & Welcome – Carolynne C. White (CC), President 
  • Program: Keith Manlove, UMN Master Gardener - “So You Want To Protect The Lake” 

  • Update on Long Lake Area Projects 

  • Update on Events & Winner of the Ice-Out Quilt Contributed by Monika Wilkins 

  • Board Reports 

  • Election Outcomes for “At Large” Board Member & Neighborhoods 2, 4, 6
  • LLAA Foundation Fund Drive Kickoff for 2021-2022
  • Adjournment and door prizes 

Prize Quilt from Monika's
The Ice Out drawing winner will pick up this quilt from Monika's Shop.

LLAA adds Aquatic Vegetation Removal Stations to North and South Public Accesses

Sharon and Bob Natzel of the Long Lake Area Association (LLAA) have placed an Aquatic Vegetation Removal Station at both the north and south public accesses after receiving permission from the MN DNR, the county, and Hubbard Township. The station has an Aqua Weed Stick secured on a retractable cable to help boaters remove vegetation from under their watercraft and trailer.  Removing the vegetation where zebra mussels hang out (Eurasian watermilfoil or curly leaf pond weed) is important to keep AIS from hitchhiking a ride between lakes.*

Another important tool we have is the free Decontamination Station at the Hubbard County Transfer Station just west of the lake.  It's open 7 days a week.  Simply call ahead for your appointment at 218-252-6738.  The hot water will kill any AIS.  Because the Decon Station is so convenient, we recommend that you decon before you go to any other lake and then decon before you bring your boat back to Long Lake too.  Decon your watercraft between waterbodies!  More information on the Hubbard County AIS Program here: 


*The placement of these vegetation removal stations required a large amount of preparation, such as gathering needed permissions, and physical labor, pouring concrete, etc. We owe Sharon and Bob Natzel many thanks for undertaking all this work.