Bella and her husband, John, spent many summers on Long Lake and in 1987 they moved permanently to their lake home. Eventually Bella moved into Park Rapids to live, but she continued to support the Long Lake Area Association in many ways including joining the ladies for the monthly lunch gatherings.
Our historical Long Lake "Ice In/Ice Out" data was provided by Bella and John Sanders. Bella also provided historical pictures and an original abstract from the early Sanders cabin on Pine Haven Beach for display at our LLAA Annual Meeting History Area and at the Hubbard Sleigh Festival History Area. When she sold her Long Lake home, she presented it to the current owners. She also contributed to the History information for Long Lake Area Association and encouraged all of us to do the same.
Bella will be missed by the association but her "stories" will live on. The history page will be posting some of the documents and her stories later this month.