Since the Long Lake webcam is still being repaired.. I thought I would post an update on the ice conditions as of 3/30/2020. As you can see from these short videos, the ice seems to be changing colors..and in some spots the ice is beginning to melt away from the shoreline. I also noticed what might be some ice that has been pushed up on the East shore. (It could be just snow that slid down the bank too.)
The temperature was up to about 47 degrees and if we would get a little rain, that would help the ice out too.
As for our Ice Out contest deadline on March 26th, we have 8 guesses for Ice Out ranging from April 6th to July 4th.. We will see who gets bragging rights. We will draw for the quilt at the Annual Meeting at the end of June.
We will keep everyone posted as to ice conditions.
As you can see in this last video, there was a fellow out ice fishing. He was riding a 4 wheeler.. He surprised me, as I was shooting the video, by coming around Breezy Point.
From an article in the Star Tribune 3/29/2020:
"At least we have ice-out to anticipate: A quicker melt than last year could mean an earlier return to lake recreation.
- By DAVID CHANEN, david.chanen@startribune.com
"So a little bit of good news: It appears ice-outs across Minnesota are about a week ahead of schedule.
At least 16 lakes, mostly in the southern part of the state, have lost their ice. Lake Minnetonka is expected to have its ice-out within the week, much earlier than last year’s April 20.
Grays and Excelsior bays on Lake Minnetonka are open, but the ice on most of the lake’s 37 bays and channels is still 4 to 8 inches thick, said Lt. Shane Magnuson of the Hennepin County Water Patrol."