Sunday, July 24, 2011

Lake Discover Field Trip for children

Thurs July 28 – 9:30 to 11 AM – accompanied by a parent or grandparent. The guided “Lake Discover” lead by Jon Sams & other volunteers includes a Biotic Index exercise collecting “things” in the lake and identifying them (clams, invertebrates, leeches, snails, etc.) then discovering how they can tell us our lake water is good, beginning to be not-so-good, or becoming polluted. Time permitting, the group may also identify trees, and other plants near and in the lake that are beneficial.

If it is raining, the makeup day is Friday, July 29th, same time. (Hopefully the weather will cooperate this time)

Meet at Jon Sam’s at 14322 Chippewa Loop.   Bring your own life jacket.  Boat parking available on Breezy Point – Jon’s cabin is 3rd from the point heading South.  If you want to sign up, please email CC White at or call her at 732-9819.

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