Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Our Starry Stonewort mitigation journey continues

These first pictures were taken by Jeff Martin on August 13th during the latest chemical treatment application to tackle the starry stonewort that has been found at the south access. PLM Lake and Land Management Corp. used a lake safe chemical for treating the area that starry stonewort was found. The underwater photo was taken by Sharon Natzel.

More details will be in our newsletter coming out later this week. 

Thank you to the Long Lake Area Association Foundation's fund raising efforts. These efforts allowed us to quickly pay for the needed expertise and tools to "fight this battle". 

photo of burlap covering starry stonewort taken by Sharon Natzel

Volunteers Needed: Fall Roadside Clean Up

Ready to help with the annual fall roadside cleanup of County Road 20? 

Join Long Lake Area Association (LLAA) members, friends and families on 

Saturday, Sept.14,2024 at 2:00 p.m.

This seven-mile cleanup comes at an important time of the year. It allows us to collect debris before the fall winds blow it into the lake prior to winter.

Where to Meet 

Gather on the gravel road (130 th street) by the tree farm where Hwy. 87 and Cty.
Road 20 meet (near Hubbard) and receive supplies and instructions.
NOTE: Hwy. 87 road construction continues. Use an alternate route if need be.

How to Sign Up to Help on Sept. 20th

Email volunteer@longlakeliving.org with your name and number of people.

How to Request an Alternate Date 

Email volunteer@longlakeliving.org;  to request a section for you to clean on your preferred date.

Thank you for your continued support in helping to preserve Long Lake!