The Annual Long Lake July 4th Flotilla will be held on Thursday, July 4th.
Just for the fun of it, decorate your boats and meet at 9:50am in front of the New Frontier Resort on the west side of the lake. We will depart at 10:00 a.m. in two groups, one north and one south.
Don't forget the Long Lake Area Association Annual Meeting on Saturday, July 6th, 9:30 a.m., at the Hubbard Community Center.
1 comment:
"Watch for Loons! The most dangerous weeks on the water for loons are Memorial Day and the Fourth of July. Boats, boat motors and fishing line are very dangerous for our beloved state bird. Please keep an eye out for them and their babies while you are on and near the water. Loon chicks are out with their parents learning how to fish and dive. Give them space from your watercraft and remember to remove all fishing line and dispose of it properly!"- from MN DNR Non-game Wildlife Program website
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