Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Ice Out Watch

A message shared from Lou Schultz. (Lou lives on Chippewa Loop on the west side of Long Lake and helps us with the ice in and ice out statistics.)

       "Around this time of year, we always wonder when we might have ice-out.

       Fact:  Our average ice-out is April 20, although we have wide and increasing variation of this

       Theory: Long Lake gets ice-out two weeks after Lake Minnetonka, which was April 4, 2015.

      Therefore: I predict we will have ice-out this year on April 18.
      That is only 11 days away and that is a mighty big ice cube sitting out there.

      Would anyone else like to predict a date; any challengers?  - Lou"

You can add your comments below or on our Facebook page.

For the historic data go to the Ice Data tab at the top of this page or scroll to the blog post below this one for DNR data. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I predict the ice will go out April 15th. Barb Kersting