Sharon Natzel and I (C.C. White) read through the minutes of the Pine Haven Lake Shore Property Owners Association this last week. The organization was active from the 1950's through the 1960's and maybe into the 1970's. (If anyone has more information please get in touch with me.) Pine Haven was the area on the west side of Long Lake from Hubbard to just north of what is now Chippewa Loop.
We have one book of minutes from the organization. Some of the documents are as early as 1954 and others as late as 1962. It was great fun to read through these minutes and letters. The group designed their own letter head. Many of the issues are the same as today - public access, stocking of fish, tax rates, speakers from conservation departments, unpaid dues from members, pay bills, organize potlucks, etc. One issue they often addressed was electricity. Most of the Pine Haven area didn't get electric service until after 1955. According to the minutes most considered the rates way too high.
It was also fun to see the list of members and officers from this group. For example, in 1958 they had about 48 households as members and these were the officers:
President: John B. Tam
Vice President: Coyne Oldham
Secretary -Treasurer: Edwin Allen
Executive Committee: Paul Becker, Ralph Maybee
The association would meet at the Pine Have Christian Assembly Camp for their summer meeting. This was usually a potluck with some kind of entertainment and then the business meeting. Whole families attended these meetings. I remember attending several as a kid and remember when Rick Carter and Bob Hall played guitar and sang for the group. In the winter they often met at Birdland Shelter House in Des Moines, IA. Most members were from Des Moines or near there.
Sharon scanned four of the most typical and interesting of the minutes and I have placed links to them on our history page. Click on the history tab at the top to check them out.
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