Saturday, February 11, 2012

Itasca Ice Harvest Slideshow

A hardy crowd showed up to see the Old Time Ice Harvest demonstration in Itasca State Park today.  The bright sunshine was beautiful, but didn't provide any heat on this extremely cold day with a cutting northwest wind.  These photos were taken by Carolynne White.  Her family used to harvest ice from Long Lake to be used in the summers back in the days when people had "ice boxes" instead of refrigerators.  Carolynne still has the old tools they used to cut and move the ice blocks.

Ice Harvest Demonstration, February 11, 2012


Additional Ice Harvest photos (by L.L. Kooyer) here:  Ice Harvest -


Lynna said...

Awesome, can't imagine the back breaking work of our ancestors! Just for something cold! Thanks for sharing.

Stu said...

Thanks,CC. Very "cool", in several ways.