Friday, January 13, 2012

Good Ice for Fishing

Ice Fishing
Photo by Dave Anderson
Dave Anderson sent this photo to us stating that ice fishing was good the first week of 2012.  The ice thickness ranged from 8 to 12 inches then and by now is probably thicker.

At our place a couple of nice (12 inch) tulibees were the first catch after drilling a hole.  Has anyone else caught anything recently?  Let us know what you are catching in the "comments" section of this post.

Many of the usual cold weather sports we enjoy are not possible this year because of the lack of snow.  Winter isn't over yet, however, as evidenced by the cold temperatures that moved in this week.  There is still plenty of time left for the hope to be realized of eventually having enough snow for more of our favorite winter outdoor activities.  Opening trails for skiing, snowshoeing, and snowmobiling would also be very helpful to the local economy.


SoaringWaterWoman said...

1 walleye caught by Bob N while ice fishing just before New Years!

CC White said...

Nice to know that if the ice is thick enough, the fish are cooperating.