Friday, December 23, 2011

Merry Christmas Long Lake

Just a couple of items to keep in mind this week.
Minnesota Waters has its December newsletter posted on their web site (or will shortly).  There is a quick link to it on the right.

We now have a dusting of snow so it looks more like Christmas around here.

The lake has ice on it.. There are ice houses at the south end.  (If anyone knows of other ice houses, let us know)   But the weather has been cold, warm, cold, and warm again all month.  So as to the thicknesses of the ice: who knows?   be careful this week.  We had reports of the lake being iced over on Dec 7th, but then it thawed.  Now we have a report from  Donna Neumann, "the ice finally closed up just this past Sunday evening, December 18" in her part of the lake.   Really hard to get a firm date on Ice In.

Last item:  If a family member has a good "story" about Long Lake adventures or you find good pictures,  send them to us.  Look at the history page.  It has been reworked and I will be posting more of Gerry Budgett's history during the week to come.

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