Each LSP must have the permit in possession while providing services. To get a permit the LSP has to complete invasive species training and pass a test. The permits are valid for 3 years. Every LSP has to attend an AIS Seminar this year in order to receive the new certification even if they have attended one in the past.
Minnesota Waters has announced its partnership with the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) to host the new, mandatory Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) seminars for Lake Service Providers. The seminars will be hosted at multiple locations throughout the state beginning August 15, 2011 and will provide all participants with DNR certification on best management practices to prevent the spread of AIS.
You may want to help out your LSP by checking to see if they are aware of the important seminar to be offered in Park Rapids on Monday, August 15, 2011 from 9 to 11 AM at the Northwoods Bank Conference Room. It is the most conveniently located opportunity for a Park Rapids area LSP to acquire certification.
Additional information and a list of other session times and dates can be found in this .pdf download from Minnesota Waters: Document on AIS Seminars for Lake Service Providers
This is the legal definition of "Service Provider":
Sec. 16. Minnesota Statutes 2010, section 84D.01, is amended by adding a subdivision to read:
Subd. 15a. Service provider.
"Service provider" means an individual who installs or removes water-related equipment or structures from waters of the state for hire. "Service provider" does not include a person working under the supervision of an individual with a valid service provider permit issued under section 84D.108."
This is the section of the law regarding permits:
- (a) Service providers must apply for and obtain a permit from the commissioner before providing any services described in section 84D.01, subdivision 15a.
- (b) Service providers must have a valid permit in possession while providing services described in section 84D.01, subdivision 15a.
Subd. 2. Permit requirements.
- (a) Service providers must complete invasive species training provided by the commissioner and pass an examination to qualify for a permit. Service provider permits are valid for three calendar years.
- (b) A $50 application and testing fee is required for service provider permit applications.
- (c) Persons working for a permittee must satisfactorily complete aquatic invasive species-related training provided by the commissioner.
Subd. 3. Standard for issuing.
- The commissioner may issue, deny, modify, or revoke a permit as provided in section 84D.11, subdivision 3."
A full copy of the law that contains the new regulations [LAWS of MINNESOTA for 2011 Ch. 107] [CHAPTER 107–S.F.No. 1115] can be viewed here: Natural Resources Law of May, 2011
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