Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Ice Out Date for 2019: April 26

This is to let our members know that the Long Lake Area Association Official Ice Out Date has been confirmed by our Ice Spotters as Friday, 4/26/2019.  By 6PM on Friday, April 26th, the only ice apparent was drink-size ice cubes at 160th in about a 3 to 4 foot area along the shore for a short distance.  The ducks were happily swimming around near it, declaring open water throughout Long Lake.

Sharon Natzel will update the DNR/MPCA Climatology team.  The new charts and graphs that Vern Campbell and Lou Schultz are compiling are posted on our Ice Out Data page:  http://www.longlakeliving.org/p/ice-in-ice-out-data.html

We had 90 people turn in guesses on the Ice Out date.  Twenty-three people came within two days either side of the official ice out.  Our association members seem to know Long Lake pretty well.

Congratulations to the two people who guessed correctly that the ice out would be on April 26th.

David Anderson


Karin Hansen


Remember, everyone who submitted a guess will be entered into the drawing at our annual meeting for the Spring Quilt.

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