Sunday, June 18, 2017

Invitation to Long Lake Association's Annual Meeting

We are looking forward to seeing you at the 
Long Lake Area Association (Hubbard County) Inc.
Annual Meeting.

 Saturday, June 24, 2017 at the Hubbard Community Center 
  •  9:30am   Social -  refreshments and registration.
  • 10:00am  Business meeting - timely information, breaks, ends with door prizes! 
We plan to have you home by noon and up to date on Long Lake happenings.  The detailed agenda is attached.  Our excellent speaker lineup includes:
  • Dan Carroll, MN DNR Firewise Specialist, on how to protect our homes and property to help prevent fires now

  • Bill DonCarlos, Hubbard County Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) Program Coordinator, on watercraft inspection, decontamination station, and other components of the county's program
  • Doug Kingsley, MN DNR Area Fisheries, on Long Lake's walleye stocking program and recommendations for future stocking

Follow these links to see:

There are always great door prizes.  Pictured is the grand prize basket from last year... What is going to be in this year's basket?

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